War messed up. A tie? And no queue for next war!

What happened on server one with war?
I am sure a lot of players want to know how this could happen…
Would appreciate some explanation from Per Blue…


Yes this is screwing a lot of guilds hardwork
You will even lose when you have 1 member short.


So strange! I thought we addressed the issue earlier today, but I’ll double check again with the team to investigate.


Thanks for reporting this! It looks like when war was refreshed, it caused a disruption for Server 1. We will revert affected guilds’ MMR back. I apologize for this frustration!


But what about previous war assignments? Are we rolling back to the guild we had first, before we tied? Or will this just be a MMR adjustment?


Just an MMR adjustment, I’m afraid!


Ok, great! #1 vs #2 for the season title gets passed by and it goes down as an automatic “W” for 1st place guild for the entire month of warring (since there is no rematch planned) - yay! Win by hiccup :slight_smile:

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oh was this the win season war? How many losses does each have? Equal I’m assuming if this is for the win as you say yes? Sucks for both of you then!

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No not for the win lol… omg

Yes, the season is decided by the last war of the month between the #1 ranked guild and the #2 ranked guild. The first war between them does not carry the same weight as the final war, so yes, if #2 is not given the opportunity to defeat #1 at the end of the month, then the rankings stand pat for the season end.

How is it possible that after 2 wars in a new season one guild on server 1 is already in legendary with a total points of 1400 +
Considering that every guild restarts at the same level… They gained about 600 to 700 by winning both wars??
Looking at the guild I am in , average points we gain after each win is between 75 and 100…

Can someone explain this to me like I am a 2 years old??? :expressionless:

@TheGrillFather ???

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After one war. Another guild reported their MMR going up by 146 after winning, which is again far too much, but not as extreme as going up ~700 points. So yeah, something weird going on with MMR this month.

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Apparently both guilds that got weird MMR increases, faced each other. And the loser was the one that ended up in legendary. So a ~700 increase for a loss. It makes sense…

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