We need a break from new characters

This may be an unpopular statement but I’m going to say it anyway - this game needs a break from adding new content. Every month we get around 3 - 5 new additions which takes development focus away from what’s really important - fixing problems. We have bugs like that ridiculous city watch difficulty spike a few weeks back that should never be allowed to happen ever. Not to mention the new characters are almost always objectively the best characters meaning the balance is non - existant. Seriously when is the last time you saw someone running a tank that isn’t Goofy or Bo? When is the last time you saw a team that isn’t running 3 annoying control characters?. The obvious way to solve this is for Perblue to spend a few updates not adding anything new and instead fixing what needs it. You dont even need to make a new sign in character - just offer a character whose chips aren’t so common so that people can still benefit from the sign in or just make a single new character a month if you absolutely must. I understand new content is what keeps games alive , I really do , but surely a single month of nothing but fix patches isn’t too much of an ask?


Also auf Server 16 kam letzten Monat drei neue Helden: Das Biest, Simba & Nala, Timon und Pumbaa.
Davon braucht man im Prinzip nur Timon und Pumbaa, den Rest braucht man nicht um weit zu kommen.
Man muss halt genau überlegen wer wirklich wichtig ist.

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No, don’t think so, we need MORE.
(Well, better balanced…)


…or maybe some love to older ones. Not Hero refreshes, no, just stat boosts. Large boosts. Like, +150% stats. Still depends on a character and stat.


We don’t need a break dude I have all the characters except for 3 so

Honestly in my opinion, bringing more new and balanced heroes would keep this game alive as possible. If it didn’t happen, the enjoyment of this game would fall into boring stagnancy(well, depending on how much you love one character that appears in the game). New heroes are the fun part, but those older Heroes that fall into obscurity and need to rise back up from the dead is a needed bonus.

I’m waiting for stat boosts for Zurg.


I don’t really even like most the older characters (except for Mickey, Stitch, And BayMax) And if you count all of year one then (Mickey, BayMax, Stitch, DarkWing, Scar, Zurg, & Woody)

I like getting new heroes. I don’t use all of them but it’s fun to have them. But maybe the new ones should be better balanced and the older one should get refreshed.


Stats are everything in most cases. What makes Ducky and Bunny so powerful? Complicated skills? No way. I’m really looking forward to some boosts, mostly for Quorra, Barbossa, Aladdin and Jack Sparrow(Hero Refreshes don’t help with the current meta).

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That’s the thing. If they just pump out new characters they will never get around to improving the oldies.

I have never had a problem with city watch and my strongest character is purple

There was a ridiculous bug a while ago that had level 200+ characters.

I agree. We definitely need some cooldown on the new content. We’ve been overwhelmed with new heroes and modes and I can barely keep up with just the new heroes and their new capabilities. It wouldn’t hurt to give the old heroes some more love and make the game more balanced again. Because it’s much more boring to see the same heroes in every arena line up instead of a more balanced and evenly combination of heroes in the arena.


No. He’s fine.

Most of first heroes (beta ones) needs hero refresh.

His stats are pretty low against modern characters. He has less HP than Jafar, a backline controller.

He does have a way to heal himself with his Ba disk though, which makes up for his low HP

And are they all in a useable state?!

I have all the heroes, but only around 20 are actually in any sort of position to even attempt to use. Over half of them are green or blue, including nearly all the newest…


Yes all my heroes are over Purple that I have

And all my heroes are orange, I’m siding with benny boy here, yes new content is amazing and we all love a new character but when, only the people that spend 1000s have access to these new characters because the rest of us don’t have 1000s to spend or even have the resources to max these characters out then it becomes unbalanced and I mean unfairly unbalanced then it’s a joke and what perblue will being out another 10 characters before we even have a chance at maxing the latest hero’s! I’m not a F2P, I do spend money on this game but if perblue are thinking I’m going to be spending thousands because they’re greedy then what’s the point playing if you’re forever going to be playing catch up!


I have to add the additional reason why stat boosts for older toons are critical against their obsolescence: the game feeds a large amount of energy to toons that earn a kill.

With the ridiculous “3-sec countdown to doom” introduced with newer toons (power creep really doesn’t have much room to go beyond that, devs!), Interesting/older toons that take time to get their skills going but die at T+3 only become fodder to the opposition; to the point where we see disgusting laser-into-Carny Clash D&B combos (sometimes I barely see the laser before the animation gets interrupted by that damn hammer) - or Duke Caboom basically (literally?) running 10 laps around everyone before you can get to him.

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