We need more villains!

@Mr_fasTastic I don’t know who flagged you but I’m sorry that happened, I would have loved to see proof of Maleficent.

And all you guys that keep saying Zurg becomes good only reference the movie (which was only a parody reference from Star Wars) but I bet most you guys didn’t even watch the actual Buzz Lightyear show smh, so think what you want, I’m not entertaining this topic any longer.

Back to the actual subject at hand, I would love to see these three villains implemented: Davy Jones!!, Yokai!! & Syndrome!!

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Syndrome woud be an awesome addition ! And a Davy Jones would make an PotC Team more complete

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Thank you Wild_Eule! Ugh there’s so many people in my server that agree with me about these three villains! I could already think of abilities for these three characters!
Heck! We already have The Incredibles, Jack Sparrow and now recently Hiro and Baymax! Not putting these iconic villains in the game would be a sin lol

I really need to see Baymax again to make myself a picture again of it…story, characters, development etc. …

So yokai is the professor in Big Hero 6??? Cuz if he is, then putting him in, he would also have to use microbots and hiro already uses them in game. Also i know this wont happen, but i think it would be cool if theybadded villains in as in to complete the movie. For example, Syndrome enters game to complete yhe Incredibles. Yokai enters after the team of heroes ( Honey Lemon, Fred, Wasabi, And Go GO)


@Wild_Eule so you didn’t see Big Hero 6? It’s a great movie! And I’m in love with Yokai lol his design and abilities are really cool!

@Champion_David Yes, you are correct! He is the professor in the movie that betrayed Hiro and used his own creation against him. And I couldn’t agree more with you! if they implemented Yokai I would love to see his metal chips be his abilities of course! Just adding those three villains would complete those three Disney stories!

Plus! How can you create Tia Dalma and not her iconic lover Davy Jones!?

Yes I did but THAT was a long time ago and I was REALLY tired - will look at him today again
Promise ^^

Ahhhhhh don’t mock my beloved Tia Dalma ^^
I am so happy that I have her and yesterday she got promoted to 5 Stars finally…BUT I would love to see Davy Jones too.
Friendship Tia -Love name: Sea of Love

Maybe there’s no Davy Jones because he died in the movie. Maybe part to the criteria is for the characters to still be alive. I can’t remember if Kevin Flynn sacrificed himself in Tron. Cos if he did, than my theory would not stand.

He actually DID sacrifice himself according to Wikipedia. I also saw a VERY VERY VERY old Disney Movie called “The black hole“ you need to watch that one. Mad scientist, bad robot, good robot its got all !

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