Weird girl & Mr whiskers

Anne & Mr whiskers

Anne & mr whiskers are a control duo .their chip will be available in contest rewards.

Quote :
If Mr. Whiskers dreams about you it means something big is going to happen

Note : before white skill they aren’t separated , it means that mr whiskers is in anne hands and they have 1 health bar and energy bar but if mr whiskers is vampire (white skill ) , he is separated from weird girl and have his own health bar after white skill he will return to anne
Also anne and mr whiskers aren’t a villain !


White skill

Mutated cat

Mr whiskers turns into a vampire .
increasing attack speed and damage and scaring enemies , he will stay a vampire until weird girl lose all the energy.
Mr whiskers also deals fantastic damage when he is vampire.
If Mr whiskers reach 0 HP during this , he will turn into normal cat and retrun to his owner.
But anne can’t get energy for few seconds.

Green skill


At the begging Mr whiskers dream about an enemy , enemy will have a bad fate , the enemy will receive one of this debuff until he/she koed.
All damage done reduce by 35% , enemy heal receive reduce by 75% enemy’s reality will reduce by 75%.
This skill can’t be removed and it ignores stack of hardy on enemies.
Blue skill

Hey kitty !

Anne brush her cat , Mr whiskers . And healing themselves and stealing all the energy from bad fated enemy .

Purple skill

Bad Fate

when Mr whiskers is vampire weird girl will heal him every seconds instead of attacking .

Red skill

Unblinking Gazer

When cat trun into vampire , blue skill will instead make a shield for Mr whiskers and grant 6 stack of hardy for him.
When Mr whiskers is vampire he got a 25% chance to silence the enemy for 4 secs with his attacks.


:sparkle: *Anne & Mr whiskers & Sally
:arrow_right: enemies nearby bad fated enemy lose reality.
:arrow_right: more skill power.

:sparkle:Anne & Mr whiskers & Victor & spakry
:arrow_right: they will get skill power whenever an ally or an enemy knock out from battle.
:arrow_right: increase max Hp of vampire-mr.whisker based on their skill power during battle.

thanks for reading !



Could you give more details here please?
But good Concept

1 Like

That girl freaks me out, dude…

This is a disney movie , it’s Frankenweenie it’s a Tim Burton movie and it’s such a great and nice movie ,I recommend you to see it ,
They will be a good addition for game in Halloween , I will post other concepts about main chars victor and spaky

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