If it’s listed under any VIP level, what exactly are “Daily Perks”?
It’s just perks that you get every day for that VIP level. E.g., at VIP 4, you get 4 additional City Watch raid tickets for completing a City Watch, you can skip the Daily Video ads, and every day you can use diamonds to reset Elite Campaign stages twice and Arena and Coliseum chances three times each; at VIP 5, you still have the bonus CW raid tickets and the ad skipping, you get one more reset for each mode, and your deadline for claiming Friendship Missions increases from 12 hours to 16 hours.
Some of the perks listed under Daily Perks are just increases to already-existing perks as opposed to perks that are used/reset every day, so the terminology is a bit inconsistent, but it boils down to “you get these benefits for this level of VIP, so buy buy buy!”