What is the best subclass for Mr. Incredible?

Guys, I got Mr. Incredible as my first Toxic character.

But I was wondering, and has this question in mind, would he be good as a Hard Hitting Evasive character? If not, why and what is the best subclass for him? :slightly_smiling_face:

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For Mr.Incredible I think him as a hard hitting would work, due to the heavy hits he does with his basic and if he is more evasive, he will bypass 90% of the debuffs probably making him getting just a little bit of debuffs

Sorry if it doesn’t help,I don’t really know a lot about emerald

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That’s ok, thanks anyway. :slightly_smiling_face:

Np Jackson


Post the screen where you see all of his secondary stats. Give him what he doesn´t have above 70%.

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The best is actually Evasion and Fantastic Crit, since:

A) Normal Crit is at 200% (649-390 is way above 200)
B) Crit Damage is at 100% (515-390 is above 100)
C) Tenacity is at 72%, which means the disable durations are lower by almost 3/4 of the time on him

Evasion is right as you said, it provides him protection together with Tenacity.
Fantastic Crit because anything else is pretty useless, even the Fantastic Crit itself sort of.


Jesus emerald rank looks strong

Alright, thanks. :slightly_smiling_face:

Could be as well Evasion and Tenacity… since he barely deals any huge damage with the green skill (only one dealing Fantastic Damage)

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