What the first letter of your name says about you, DHBM edition!

Ok, so let’s start!

  1. A: You’re Smart and intelligent
  2. B: You’re independent and fair
  3. C: You’re popular and funny
  4. D: You’re not fair and have a hard time
  5. E: You’re Emo, but also cool
  6. F: You’re an inspiration to all and creative
  7. G: You take everything seriously and you’re mostly scared
  8. H: You are a show off and you play roughly
  9. I: You are always there to lend a hand and show kindness to others
  10. J: You cringe people a lot and you’re weird
  11. K: You are good at singing and help others
  12. L: You’re a king or a queen
  13. M: You love everyone and show compassion for everyone
  14. N: You’re a nerd and wicked
  15. O: You have great talent and is a leader
  16. P: You’re an angel and you save anyone who is dying
  17. Q: You’re rare and is the class clown
  18. R: You’re a great person and you have serious pep
  19. S: You let out a Spark and you have a huge huge huge heart
  20. T: You are a risk-taker and you have a growth mindset
  21. U: You’re weird, because who has a U at the start of their name?
  22. V: You are nice and you are destined to find love
  23. W: You’re sophisticated and you’re fancy
  24. X: You have a strong IQ and will fight for what’s right
  25. Y: You never ask questions and you’re curious
  26. Z: You’re a great friend to the community

If you’re surprised, then, I am too!

Blud really trying to be Mvperry :joy::joy::joy:.


Hey @Taylor, looks like this is your personality

Well, mine seems good!

I mean your the one whose taking risks to escape your bans

That’s good…. I guess. @HarryPotter1, what……is this exactly?

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Cool looks like I’m M

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Stitch is king once again!

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Let me see…
Huh. Funny. Every single word is a lie.
Okay, maybe a nickname instead of a real name…
Nah, ain’t much better.
Okay, how about my best friend…
Really? A miss again?
Oh well, maybe next time.

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So I guess I’m popular and funny. Yeah, no, I’m heavily introverted. Definitely not popular.

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Same for me too


HEY!! :confused:

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I was expecting the results to have a DH influence or theme, but regardless…



Well, I think he counts as weird.

(Not Luca, Ugo.)

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That’s what’s up

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