Where is the Community Manager

Where is the Community Manager? Nuff said.

Look, I understand that the staff is busy with the discord page (which I don’t completely understand since we already have a forum that can basically do the same thing). But that’s no excuse to neglect the forum.

As a result of this negligence, we have a spammer that have filling up the forum with spam wishes, spamming random pictures that retains nothing to any conversation, necroposting, lashing out at people for not speaking english, and just breaking any and every rule. And we have flagged, and flagged, and flagged, and nothing is being done about it.

So, please @TheGrillFather, @Samm, @Loutre, somebody, do some thing. Cause I can’t take another day of this.


Well, first of all, remember that it’s close to the weekend, so PB would be less likely to see this anyways.

Second, we’ve been over this song and dance a thousand times over by now, especially with you specifically. Yes, it genuinely sucks that nothing more is being done, but we can only do so much more than what we are doing right now. Flagging and, most importantly, ignoring is the best way to deal with the problem and not give those people the attention they want.

Funny how for as often as you complain about other people not listening to advice, you yourself seem to fall into the same exact trap every time this happens.


It’s rather unfortunate that we all have to deal with this. Like @Myeong said, we’ve gone over this many times. But still, we cannot put up with this. Considering that topics can temporarily close from too many flags, it can be an inconvenience. While I have only been on the forums for about 2 weeks, I have seen what he has done. Several people have tried to stop him, notably @ill_be_needingstitches and @Mister_Toon, to no avail. I say that we just do @Myeong’s suggestion for now, while we think of a better solution.

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Who’s doing this?

They should drop the forums in general if I’m being honest. Even if I prefer this site more, Discord is much better and more owner friendly, with much better moderation

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Someone named KingOlafTheSnowman or something like that.


Update topics never get closed, banners stay at the top of the main page until a new banner is needed, PerBlue employees pretty much don’t do anything here except post announcements… I strongly suspect PerBlue is planning on shutting down this forum very soon and doing everything on Discord. Hopefully they’ll keep this up in read-only mode, at least, but it’s not something I’d bet on…

(Also, Loutre hasn’t worked for PerBlue in, IIRC, nearly two years.)


Spammers are trolls! They want every bit of attention and we can’t give ‘em the attention. They have to do something about them!

I hope it never gets shut down

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