Which heroes are the best for the arena?

    1. List item

I want to have a strong team and get past Gold V (Been part of it for a long time). All the teir lists I have tried don’t work! Guys, plz tell me, which heroes are best in arena?
Thx for the responses!
Also here is my team

sinergy is your best chance. u can use the mike/sully/zurg as your fantastic damage team (u can complete your team with Tia and Calhoun, as example). u can also use barbossa with jessie, felix, woody as your normal damage… dude, theres so many options. read the heroes skills and get a way to use the heroes as a team, one making the other stronger. also, u need to have a good team against the enemy (so, try to think whos skill counters whom.

Okay, that helped very much! Thx

If you have Merida, use her. She’s good for the Offense.

I will try to use both of your suggestions!

Her White Skill is very useful for damaging low-Armored Enemies (like Sully, he has no Armor, at all) so she’s your counter for him.

Also, can you try posting all of your heroes so I could think of a good defense?

Which server are you on?

Penguin… were are you?..
Smile forever…

thats something nice to know. She could work with Mr I (w/ Elastigirl’s disk) and Barbossa (White skill helps a lot the normal damage characters)

I am on server two: You can fly

Here are total heroes:

What do you mean by…Penguin…where are you?

XD my experience is that Judy hoops can help make or (if she is the enemy) break a team I have maxed her out with three stars and lvl 68 and she strong! XD just a note I’m still stuck in arena good five myself XD :grimacing:

If you charm Judy and she hasn’t used her “Deputize” Skill, she’ll use it for your team. Just like if you charm Nick, he has a chance of using his Charm on other enemies.

Very true but that’s why I also have two tanks in front of her. Dalma charms the back row and Nick charms the front. As far as I know they are the only to heroes with charm abilities am I right?

Usually I win with most of my heroes standing or I don’t win at all

Also the charm has a chance to fail against enemies of a higher lvl doesn’t it? Cuz she is capped at lvl 68

This is probably my most commented post ever! Is there a badge for this?
I am so happy
Also, thx everyone for the feedback

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Nick and Tia charms the frontmost and backmost enemy for at most 7 seconds without fail, unless the charmed has a very high Tenacity, which will reduce their time being charmed.

Woody’s Charm, however, has a chance of failing against enemies above x level. He charms the enemy with the highest Skill Power for at most 5 seconds.

…oh I see

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