Who else likes Disney's John Carter


I don’t know how to write a concept for John Carter However I think John Carter would be a great addition to DHBM. So write your John Carter concepts here & post your John Carter Gif’s here too! Disney’s John Carter & other cast members related to John Carter in this thread! Pictures, Gif’s & concepts! I really like Disney’s “John Carter” & other cast members.

I like this little creature too!




Here’s another

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I personally haven’t seen John carter but if I remember it’s on Netflix so I can watch it tomorrow and make a concept for you? It might now be very good though since it’ll be my first time watching it :joy:


Yes it is on Netflix & I saw it awhile back. And I’m going to watch it again tomorrow! It’s really good. I hope you like it too! And yes I would like you to write a concept or any one else is welcome to participate in posting any thing John Carter related to this thread. And thanks @TherMasterStitch


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No problem! Don’t know when it’ll be up since it’s midnight here so I should go to sleep soon lol. I’ll try to make it a good one!

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Here’s a link

Great film! And when he calls him Virginia, love it!

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Too bad Disney heroes isn’t a mars based game… John Carter’s powerless :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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John Carter is on one if the worst Disney movies ever made. Did terrible at the box office as well. It is very unlikely that he will be added into the game, considering the fact that he isn’t really popular. This movie lost Disney 200 million dollars


I got what you are saying. However I found that watching John Carter with the (English - Audio Description) on made it so much easier to follow! It brought things to the viewer’s attention that was not readily noticable without. I myself enjoyed the story. The book was a better read & the story was meant to be in book form. Like Alice in wonderland, Tarzan & many more the movies were not the way the Original Arthur intended the story to be told. With the Audio Description on it’s much better in my opinion! Yes they spent so much $$$ trying to make a fantastic fiction book into a movie. When in my opinion could have been told closer to the book form.

But Yes you are right, about the loss of money by Disney. And I don’t expect they will put him into the game. Just as I really don’t expect Tarzan to be put in the game. I still like the story even if Disney Dident make $$$ However it is a classic tail or Disney wouldn’t have even attempted making the movie in the first place. It is a concept that really takes a good imagination to wrap your mind around.

Try watching with the Audio-Description on I think you’ll get a more enjoyable experience out of it.

Have a great day & thanks for reading.

I’m sorry why? This movie got Disney around 300 million dollars

I never heard of dis movie before. So, dis is pretty new 2 me.


I include several because they were books written way back in the day. And it seems like the fact that if it hasn’t been included thus far. They probably won’t be. Don’t get me wrong I really like the old classic books being revived. But It seems like they are being passed up for more modern characters. That’s all.


John Carter
“I am Dotar Sojak.”

John is a three star back line demand hero!

Entrance: jumps in and strikes pose
Victory: jumps really high and lands successfully
Defeat: jumps and falls in his face

Basic attack: punching at enemies with Earth-strength

White skill: Cavalry Man
Calls for a horse, jumps on it, pulls out a sword and runs through enemies, dealing damage.

Green skill: Super Jump and Punch
John jumps into middle on enemies with his Mars strength, dealing damage. He also punches the closest enemy, dealing more damage.

Blue skill: Rock Swing
John finds a rock with a chain and swings it at the closest enemy, dealing damage.

Purple skill: Ninth Ray Influence
John charms one of the enemy for a few seconds.

John and Buzz “Space Friends”
Allies: Zurg, Stitch, Eve
+100 skill power
Purple skill charms for longer.

John and Jessie “Jumping Partners”
Allies: Mr. Incredible, Woody, Valneloppe
+100 HP
Green skill now does more damage.


It’s not very good since i did it very quick and I only watched it once, but here you go!

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Thanks @TherMasterStitch I figured your Stitch could relate to the space alien with 4 arms your the reason I posted this thread because remember you & David were saying first one hand & then the other & the other & the other! Stitch has 4 hands too!

Thanks again!

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No problem! Glad I could help with the concept! Yeah that’s a good connection. But I think stitch could easily defeat the white ape :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Those White Apes were something else!
And what about that guy that kept changing from one form to another? From an old lady to a guard to even the mars princess! Glad he dident change to a white ape!

And I’m sure Stitch could beat the white ape too as long as he sat on his back & bit his neck!


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Yep that ninth ray is pretty neat!

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:smiley: I love that u did this. Hope it was cuz of that other post

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