Why did PB annoy everybody not in servers 1 and 2?

PB made everybody mad by giving those two servers all the mod upgrades! Everyone that wanted mod upgrades has to wait forever now for them to come out!

Thanks again PB for nothing!


Trust me, the addition of Challenger Seasons on S1 and S2 has not made us happy. Our daily diamond rewards have been cut in half and our daily token rewards have been cut by about 40%. Enjoy your regular Challenger rewards while you can!

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Iā€™m on server 9 but have an account on 1! Iā€™m only level 62 on 1 and donā€™t use that account as much as server 9

Wait what? You get mod upgrade pieces inā€¦not invasion? Wat?? How does that make any sense when invasion is literally the mod event? Are they available in invasions in s1&2 at least

This is not true. There were no changes to these rewards with the update.


@Polaris Why was it not mentioned in the patch notes that there would be a timer on Coli?

Can you confirm that itā€™s possible for many players to still earn 1000 diamonds a day from both Arena and Coli - confirm that itā€™s not final position of the day that counts.


That was my oversight. It was part of the Challenger Seasons changes, and I didnā€™t realize it was going to be implemented across all servers. There were a few miscommunications about the release on S1&2, and I apologize.

For the Challenger Seasons, it is the final position of the day that determines the daily reward. This change was made for several reasons, but the main one being there is much less volatility in the rankings, so the dramatic rank changes shouldnā€™t happen any longer. Of course, we will be watching the data and gathering player feedback on the experience over the next month.

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Is it correct that in Challenger on S1 & 2, itā€™s only possible for 1 player to receive 500 diamonds as their daily reward, and only after achieving the top league & until the season resets?

Previously maybe 30-40 players could reach #1 rank and receive their 500 daily diamonds (note, I was not often one of them). This seems like quite a large reward cut / redistribution.

The gameplay seems more fun for sure, but I donā€™t really like that many players have to lose their primary source of diamonds as a result.

Granted, even the lowest Challenger rewards are still better than the highest P1 rewards - so for those who couldnā€™t break into Challenger before, itā€™s great.

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There are many, many leagues at each level of challenger, so in each of those leagues, there are players who are reaching rank 1 and getting that reward, not just a single person. Each league is only 8-29 players, and there are hundreds of people in challenger at the moment.

That said, we are reviewing the daily and weekly rewards. The intention is that they are the same or better than what you would have received previously.

ā€œIt is the final position of the day that determines the daily rewardā€

Well this does not make sense. The gameā€™s day ends at 5 am where I live. Hugely unfair to people in some time zones who can not guard their Coli ranks because they actually need to sleep.

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Hmm yeah, I guess it makes sense that thereā€™s a lot of leagues. I think the problem lies in that the reward is capped by what league youā€™re in - which makes sense - but everyone starts off in the lowest league, meaning that until youā€™ve promoted to the highest, youā€™re only capable of getting X rewards per day instead of the possible shot at the 500 diamonds ā€˜top rewardā€™ from the previous system.

Getting to that highest league in theory takes at least 3 weeks, so until then it seems like nobody is going to be able to shoot for 500 - and instead settle for whatever their league rewards are. The #1 place in League 7 rewards 200 diamonds, which is the same as the bottom bracket in old-style Challenger, and itā€™s not possible to gain more for a whole week each time - and only if you finish in the top 5.

Previously, anyone in Challenger and anyone who promoted to it during the course of the day had the opportunity to gain between 200-500 diamonds (and the respective tokens) depending on their ambition & team comp / power / skill / whatever you call it. Now thatā€™s not possible at all. The total diamond payout across the whole server would have been vastly greater than what it has been for the past couple of days (can you check this?) - and also I suspect vastly greater than what it will be for any given day throughout the whole season.

Personally the rewards for me are still better, as I usually just rested in P1 / was blocked out by a happy camper in #1 spot - so Iā€™m enjoying the more interesting and involved style regardless of the rewards. I can definitely see why many feel like they are losing out though.

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Currently the most in challenger arena one can earn daily is 200, not 500. The normal rewards amount isnā€™t achievable until Division 1 is available, which is a few weeks away. So yes, there were changes to these rewards

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I apologize that my response was not correct. I was thinking of the daily quest rewards, which have not been changed.

As I said, the team is reviewing the data for the daily rewards, as the intention was to make them the same or better, not worse.


Ok! :slight_smile: If the data shows less rewards being earned overall, as I believe it will, I hope something can be done to increase them.

IMO The average earned over the course of the entire season should be at least 450-500 diamonds a day for a player who reaches the top league, as thatā€™s what they would have received before. How those are distributed into leagues and positions isnā€™t up to me :man_shrugging::smile: though without testing it out, Iā€™d probably keep the league 7 / 6 / 5 rewards about where they are now (ie. the first 2 weeks) and then exponentially increase them for leagues 4, 3, and 2, with 1 being increased further still.


@Polaris Firstly, thank you very much for your response to my post and subsequent comments.

I will just make one point, of all the games Iā€™ve ever played DH is the only game that dishes out 10ā€™s of free diamonds (or in game currency) vs 100ā€™s or even 1000ā€™s per day.

We absolutely need a solid diamonds earning mechanism. If Iā€™m not able to earn my 30k diamonds a month from the game Iā€™m not sure I or any of your top players will stick around.

I want to stress the point that earning 1000 diamonds a day from being at the very top of the server (power wise) is not generous nor extreme - especially considering in order to compete at this level one must spend $ consistently.

A significant diamond source is an imperative.

Edit: just to add that I donā€™t consider these PvP rewards as ā€œFreeā€ diamonds, they are hard earned and paid for.

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@Pipsqueak Thanks for the taking the time to explain the logic behind my curt statement.

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