Why Do Certain Friendship Memories Not Show Up in the Memory Market?

Basically like the title asks; why do certain friendship memories not show up in the memory market? I can refresh the shop a million times, but some memories, Maximus and Finn in my case, won’t show up. I have the badge equipped and missions going, but it doesn’t load.

It actually depends on how much memory disks you have unlocked. If you have lots of friendship disks unlocked, it’s likely for you not to encounter the memories you need. It would be nice if we could set which memories we would like to see pop up in shops though. :thinking:

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See I thought that too, but the same disks can appear five or more times in a row. I even purposefully made an effort to not complete friendship campaigns I don’t need in order to keep the shop non-congested, but it’s still filled with ones that are pointless.


I don’t know then. You might be unlucky then. I noticed that the disks from older heroes tend to appear the most. In order to stop these disks from appearing, you’ll have to max them out probably. :grimacing:

Unlock as much friendship disk you want, just don’t level up all of them, as after you level up it after 7 and more then it shows up in memory mart


sometimes i think the shop is rigged because it lowers the chances of getting memories for disks you aren’t working on

but it could also just be bad luck


Oh wow, it actually worked. Thanks!


You’re welcome 71e55437-62f7-40aa-b70c-33e839af80bb

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