Why is my account suspended?

Hello, me too i recieved the warning message. The only refund i requested was the broken deal et I also lost my VIP rings whitch were with the broken deal

Ok, I see the problem and I’m working to fix it, but it may take some time.

Please fix it.
Some guild mates on server 22 get this ban.
But they’ve asked for a refund only because you said it was ok with it.
We’ve got a nice party atmosphere these days. Don’t ruin everything please!


Absolutely incredible. Need more triple stamping of that QA.


I like how this is happening a month after the broken deals thing. Not even within a week or two. :joy:


I’m sorry about this error.
The refund processing system takes automated action based on data I give it. I made a mistake when assembling the data. I took action to remove the September 9 purchases, but filtered based on incorrect data.

Any accounts that were suspended should be restored, and anyone who received a warning message should have another mail message explaining. If players had other refunds, not related to the September 9 deals, the warnings and suspensions stay.


I’m still suspended and haven’t received any refund actual got denied … so when is my account being restored ? Since then I’ve made two 100 usd purchases so obviously I’m still helping your company.

In my guild they are still suspended too…

Is this why players (like myself) had their refund requests rejected by Apple? I spent several hours on calls with many levels of support and provided photo back ups of all correspondence and still was denied.

So unfortunate for those who simply bought a deal that was offered , I’d shoot for getting all money back and just hang here on the forums, turns out to be loads of fun.

Yo soy uno de los afectados y no se por que quisiera me dieran una solución

Isn’t giving your account to someone else against the ToS? Or am I misunderstanding something here?


I just found this in the FAQ. Apparently you can’t (well shouldn’t) discuss suspensions on the Forums.


Yay, guildies were finally able to access the game :slight_smile: ! There was some delay though, I told them right after your message but they could not access it right away.
Anyway, it is now fixed for them, thank you!

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Jus so everyone knows the truth i was banned for requesting refund like they said to do here’s the proof

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