Why is my account suspended?

… suga s21 is my main … I havent done anything wrong … no refunds … why ?

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That’s strange. Did you do anything strange in particular yesterday?

Mine is also suspended

2 accounts suspended on the same day? Even stranger…

I have 2 guildies that have been suspended too. The only thing they did was to ask for a refund of the bug offer that happened earlier. But it was said it was ok to ask for refund for that offer, so it is quite confusing


There’s more in my guild suspended too

I asked for the refund also but as you say pb said that It was available

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Vouch, get my homies back!


Same here.Leader of a top guild in Server 21 and I even didnt get The bugged offer.:confused:


Why was this flagged?


Yes, why was my post flagged? It wasn’t even off topic, I was telling people to post so Polaris could see their problems


@polaris can I get some feedback please

We did not penalize players who refunded the broken transaction. If players requested refunds for other transactions, that may explain why they are currently warned or suspended.

If you have a suspended account, and don’t know why, please use the web form to contact support and they will let you know. I won’t go into details here due to privacy concerns.

When you use the form please include your account name and number so they can look up your account information.

I flagged it - this isn’t a bug, and shouldn’t go in the known issues thread.


How do I get my account info ? I can’t get into game

It seems PerBlue is most definitely ‘penalizing’ players who got a refund for the broken deals they created. Here is a message threatening a guild member for doing exactly what you stated they could do – get a refund.

If you sent this to someone for following directions, Ive got to imagine you’ve taken it a step further with others.

C’mon @Polaris.



Why is my account suspended ? Yahoocemoi server 22.

Please help me.


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Are the people getting those messages or getting suspended absolutely sure that Google didn’t refund them for any other purchases, or hasn’t ever refunded them for any other purchases? :man_shrugging:

Given Polaris’ comment, I’d be more inclined to consider something like that before a mistake on PB’s end - though, that could also be a possibility :thinking:

I received the same message and the only refund I asked for was the broken deal…


Its sad if this is from the bugged deals … their mistake their error we pay for it by doing the refunds they said was ok to do


I got the warning and this was the first refund I have ever received on pb or google for that matter and it was one of the broken deals that I never got to use. @Polaris please get your team to review the warnings and suspensions.

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