Wild Kratts (My Special Unlikely Concept)

Or Gorman, or whatever that is named

Gourmand, the chef who tried to cook the endangered animals, like platypus eggs.

1st evolution - Jimmy Z

2nd evolution - Fred

3rd evolution - Shaggy

I may make a meme of this actually

Oh no! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

from Imgflip Meme Generator

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That’s the one

Oh wait! I know another antagonist: The female villain who cares about fashion, and his henchman, Daubeo. Is that how you say his name, anyway?

Donita Donata and her assistant, Dabio, who was basically a blond Kronk, now that I think about it.

OMG… that is so right.


Yes! That! Man, I haven’t heard of their name for a long time, besides from Zach

… How were we able to find so many similarities between the WK characters and Disney characters??? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Martin Kratt looks like Ron Stoppable.

Jimmy Z is Fred from BH6.

Dabio is a blond Kronk.


Don’t forget Donita as Miss Piggy

Speaking of this, I made the meme.

Thanks for the template, @Rinoxer0nte, lol.

Put this in the meme thread! Put this in the meme thread!

Technically the guy from Scooby would be before both of them…

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Shaggy is more powerful than both of them

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I did, lol. Thanks for the idea, man.

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