Will The New Emotions from Inside Out 2 come?

No I said I don’t think they will be GOOD for dhbm in my opinion. I never said they couldn’t be good for dhbm

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Yes… But this doesn’t refer to Inside Out 2.

I want Bing bong to be in the game! and inside out 2 characters to be in the game to and do not forget about Riley!

Perblue said Riley can’t be in the game. And Bing Bong is dead Joy said so in the game.

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I want Bloofy and Pouchy to be in DHBM with Anxiety, Embarrassment, Ennui, Envy, Lance Slashblade, and Nostalgia. But I don’t want Deep Dark Secret in BHDM because I’m scared :scream::fearful::flushed: and embarrassed. :disappointed::flushed::see_no_evil:

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yo dude forgot the most inportant one nostalga

When did PerBlue say this? I haven’t heard until now, so I’m curious as to when and why.

IDK if PB ever actually said it explicitly (someone correct me if I’m wrong on this), but it’s sort of implied that Riley can’t really be added because her emotions already exist in the City without her and can’t find her there.

When the first 5 Inside Out characters first came was when they said that.

I see. Thanks for clearing that up :slight_smile:

You’re welcome.

But that was a long time ago.

It’ll say it really soon.

I want them too.

Pouchy has to be a character 'cuz #bloofy!


Bing bong is d e a d and no Riley 'cuz perblue said so.

How would you know? You just joined

Maybe Pouchy could be in bloofy’s skills

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