Will The New Emotions from Inside Out 2 come?

I wonder, since the Inside Out 2 movie came out and there are new emotions (Anxiety, Envy, Embarrassment and Ennui). With them together, they can be very OP. I can’t really think why, but they seem they should actually be OP. Ik they should get nerfs if they come into the game very OP. Buts it’s my very opinion. I really would want these characters to come! These are my only heroes I want to get. Please Disney Heroes, release them into the game atleast around from today-July 4.

Why these specific dates exactly?

Characters take roughly 6 months to design and approve.


Anxiety would be good, but others not that much.

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Haven’t seen the film yet, but I do think if they were introduced into the game, I think they would have their own unique stacks just like the other inside out characters tbh. (For example: Anxiety could have concern stacks, Envy could have jealous stacks, Embarassment could have awkward stacks, and Ennui could have boredom stacks)

After seeing what happened with Elsa they are willing to change the timeline for characters to add more or update a previous character to give them skills that are from the new movie. It’s possible we could get characters from the sequel and maybe they’ll update some or all the five emotions to fit what they are in the sequel.

I think it is possible. Ennui

Inside Out 2 only came out a week ago :sob:
Just be patient.

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Yeah I can’t see Ennui, Envy or Embarrassment being good for dhbm

It’s possible the others can work.

I Never said they couldn’t.

Well we gotta see what Perblue does

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You don’t know yet if they will be good or not

Well, however, we don’t really know if they are gonna be good or not.

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I wish Bloofy from Inside Out 2 come out in Disney Heroes: Battle Mode.

Yessss I want bloofy and Pouchy too

That’s my point.

I know! I know!

Your point? What do you mean your point. You exactly say you are seeing Envy, Ennui and Embrassment can not be good for DHBM

Well let’s see what happens

When will Bloofy come in Disney Heroes: Battle Mode?

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