Wish Crate Discount Event

We’ve been getting a ton of Wish Crate items recently, which is great. What’s not great is that while we posses such items, we can’t actually buy Wish Crates with diamonds, thus the event is pointless. I’ve got over 1000 single items and 100 x10 items that I don’t want to burn in one go just to have a chance at the discount.

This is not the case for any other crate type. :man_shrugging:

The event needs to be changed to like a ‘Bonus Wishes’ where the crate drops 2x items, or we need to be able to use diamonds despite having items in inventory.

Also, it’s kinda silly that we can’t see how many items we have from the Wish Crate screen, but that’s less important.


Would also like to be able to open multiple wish crates at a time rather than one by one


Yeah, especially since we’ve ONLY been given singular Wish Crates instead of 10x Wish Crates.

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Even with discount, the price is still too high. Now that Prize Wall is no longer frequent, I will save up my diamond and won’t spend them on those wish crates

Cut it down to 500 per 10 crates and I will consider

I did spend my consumables so it’s kinda useful but I have 6000 diamonds soo…

Bumping this since we have another Wish Crate sale that is impossible to participate in as it hasn’t been addressed.

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