I made some calculations on this update. I used 180 000 premium stamina bottles on double drop to update all the existing heroes in the game. So:
180 000 x 66 x 2 = almost 24 millions stamina. We get in about 10 000 per day for free… it will take almost 2400 days to upgrade all the heroes for free. With some other stamina bonuses a little less. And I don’t count the gold I used here for all the badges, skills and enhancements…
Isn’t it time dear PerBlue ( @Loutre@Nugget@Polaris ) to upgrade all the rewards with every update you make? And I mean all the rewards: war, sign-in, guild check-in, invasion, arena, coliseum, surge etc. etc… or this will break the economy?
You know that the free players are actually meant to go away from a “full completion”.
To be honest though, that´s even the goal for big whales. To be harder and harder to reach so-called “full completion”.
Invasion was laughable even back at R8/R9. Incidentally, the very same rank that heist has been updated for.
Oh and…
Update from where to where? I had 630k stamina bottles used on double drop after the merge and I was barely able to get all the heroes (back then I believe it was 12-15 less than now) to Y12 from roughly R0.
Not to mention I already had about 60 heroes near or at Y12.
So, roughly 1-1.5 Million Stamina Consumables needed to get everyone to max level. Which is like 100M Stamina.
10,000 + roughly 2,000 + maybe like 15x60 = 900 from stamina consumables on average given daily is not even 0.02% of what one needs. And monthly it´s about 0.28% which then turns less cause the game requires you to spend more resources.
I sincerely don´t think we will get anywhere no matter how hard we push on devs via @Polaris@Loutre or @Nugget. I do agree however that the costs go infinitely higher and the gains don´t catch up at all, but hence uhm… “Balance” needs to be kept. What that is I really don´t understand nowadays.
Things could be better if they hadn’t decreased badge booster crates from contest but as we all know, they do every thing they can to makes sure people can’t keep up without paying
And the reason? Pls… Don’t act like you guys don’t know