Yang/Raya Friendship Campaign

Here’s Yang’s first friendship campaign!

Campaign Name: Mystic Search


Allies: Max Goof, Miguel Rivera, Slinky Dog

Friend Level 1 Dialogue

Yang and Raya are now friends!

Yang: So, what do you usually do for fun, Raya? Besides training?

Yang: Don’t get me wrong, training’s fun. Especially when you get to kick some big and looming evil.

Raya: Honestly, I’ve been training all my life to boom the Druun away. I’m not sure anymore.

Yang: Well, then you and I will have to work on that.

Raya: I’m probably going to regret this.

Campaign Story: Raya teams up with Yin and Yang when multiple artifacts with mystical abilities go missing.

Raya: Oh, hey Yang. What are you and Yin doing at the CPD?

Yang: Oh, Judy asked us to come in.

Yin: She said she could use our help with our experience in magic.

Raya: Huh, Judy said that same thing to me.

Chapter 1: A Case of Magic

Chapter 1-1: When they find Judy, she fills them in on the case.

Chapter 1-2: Multiple objects that contain magical abilities have either been or will be stolen from residents of the City.

Chapter 1-3: Among the objects were the Fairy Godmother’s Wand, Phoenix Gem, and a magical map.

Chapter 1-4: With all three of their experiences in magic, they knew those items could be dangerous in the wrong hands.

Chapter 1-5: Judy tells them the case file for where the magical items were last seen.

Judy: Thanks for taking this case for us. We’re overwhelmed with some other cases at the moment.

Raya: Judy, you aren’t suggesting I work with these kids?

Judy: Raya, I know you prefer to either work with Sisu or alone.

Judy: But Master Yo has told me about Yin and Yang. They have quite the knowledge of magic. And you’ll need all the help you can get.

Chapter 2: Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Who?

Chapter 2-1: The first magic item that was stolen was the Fairy Godmother’s wand. The three went to question her first.

Chapter 2-2: On the way to her cottage, the trio are ambushed by creeps.

Chapter 2-3: Yang and Raya pull out their swords and slash through ninjas and mages.

Chapter 2-4: Yin blasts spheres of magic at brutes and turrets.

Chapter 2-5: When they get to Fairy Godmother’s cottage. They find her in stress, which they know why.

Fairy Godmother: Oh! Some guests. I’m afraid I won’t be of much help without my wand.

Raya: That’s why we’re here. We’re going to help you get your wand back.

Yang: You wouldn’t have misplaced it again?

Fairy Godmother: That’s what I assumed last time. But I fear someone may have gotten ahold of my wand.

Yin: Well, do you know anyone who might be interested in your wand?

Chapter 3: Light on the Foot

Chapter 3-1: The Fairy Godmother tells them that many people wanted a wand like hers. But she’s not the one who grants selfish wishes.

Chapter 3-2: One person who always had a thing for magic was Barley Lightfoot.

Chapter 3-3: Raya and the rabbit twins decide to check him next. Ian Lightfoot was the one who used the Phoenix Gem for his staff after all.

Chapter 3-4: So the three make their way to the Lightfoot residence.

Chapter 3-5: When they get there, they find Ian and Barley arguing.

Barley: Why are you assuming it was me who took your Phoenix Gem?!

Ian: You’re the one who’s always obsessed with magic! You even distracted me when I first got started on magic!

Raya: * whispers * I don’t know if we’re going to get much from them right now.

Yang: Yeah, let’s focus on the magical map Judy told us about.

Chapter 4: Mapping Mayhem

Chapter 4-1: Leaving the Barley Residence, the trio goes to the museum where the magical map was at.

Chapter 4-2: Luckily, the map was still there. But there was no telling when the thief would strike.

Chapter 4-3: Yin suggests they make a fake magical map so they can trick the thief. Yang and Raya agree and get to work.

Chapter 4-4: Once the bait is done, they wait for someone to take the bait.

Chapter 4-5:That was when a small figure swooped in and took the map.

Raya: Yin! Yang! Someone took the map!

Yin: Were you able to catch who the thief was?

Raya: No, they were too fast! We gotta go after them!

Yang: Alright, don’t need to tell me twice.

Friend Level 7 Dialogue

Yang: Bleeh! Do you seriously call that plastic food, Raya?!

Raya: I already told you; it’s jackfruit jerky. And it was the main thing I ate when I had to search for the Dragon Gem.

Yang: Ok. I need to show you some REAL food.

Chapter 5: The Chase is On

Chapter 5-1: Yin, Yang, and Raya hurry out of the museum doors and find the thief running away.

Chapter 5-2: As they try to catch up, the trio gets ambushed by creeps.

Chapter 5-3: When the creeps are disposed of, they see the figure enter an alleyway in the Black Market District.

Chapter 5-4: The thief drops off all the items stolen to a well-dressed rat. That was when the figure revealed himself to be a cockroach.

Chapter 5-5: Yin and Yang immediately recognize him. It was Carl the Evil Cockroach Wizard!

Yin: That’s Carl! The Evil Cockroach Wizard!

Yang: Should’ve known he had something to do with all this!

Raya: Well, what’re we waiting for? Let’s get him!

Yang: Woah, Raya wait!

Chapter 6: Magic Attack

Chapter 6-1: Right before Raya could even point her sword at Carl. Creeps jump out from the streets.

Chapter 6-2: Unfortunately for her, Carl and his contact, who introduces himself as Professor Ratigan overhear the fight.

Chapter 6-3: The two villains use the distraction to escape with the magical items.

Chapter 6-4: Yin and Yang see them getting away. Yin unleashes an energy lasso to stop Carl.

Chapter 6-5: With the creeps gone, the three take Carl to the CPD for interrogation.

Raya: YYou kids think Carl will tell us anything?

Yang: Yin and I have to fight him almost daily. He’ll talk.

Yin: And we got some tricks if he doesn’t.

Chapter 7: Tracing Ratigan

Chapter 7-1: With a little persuasion, Carl reveals that Ratigan hired him to steal them so he can add them to his vast collection.

Chapter 7-2: The three leave the precint to track down Professor Ratigan.

Chapter 7-3: Tracing him down to the sewers. Our heroes trek their way while dealing with some creeps along the way.

Chapter 7-4: After some time, they finally found Ratigan’s lair.

Chapter 7-5: Yin, Yang, and Raya hide so they can form a plan.

Raya: Alright, so what’s the plan?

Yin: Well, according to Basil. Ratigan’s henchmen will most likely be our issue.

Yang: I say we go for brute force.

Raya: Yeah, that sounds right.

Friend Level 10 Dialogue

Yang: How do you even make that sword turn into a chain? Does Woo Foo magic power it?

Raya: Yang, I told you it’s not powered by magic. It’s… hard to explain.

Yang: Well, Yin and Master Yo were curious. They wanted me to ask. But the details do bore me anyway.

Chapter 8: Magic Recovered

Chapter 8-1: The heroes entered Ratigan’s lair and demanded that he return the magical artifacts he stole.

Chapter 8-2: Ratigan cackles and orders his minions to attack.

Chapter 8-3: With a “Chee Hoo Waa!” Yang unleashes a Power Punch, knocking them down.

Chapter 8-4: Raya and Yin exchanged blows through magic blasts and kicks. It wasn’t long before they had Ratigan cornered.

Chapter 8-5: With the magical artifacts recovered, the trio then proceeds to take Professor Ratigan to the station.

Raya: Well, that’s a close for that case.

Yin: And a magical one at that. Yang and I will get these items back to their rightful owners.

Yang: Say, Raya. Wanna join us on something like this again? You know, on patrol?

Raya: After everything that happened, I might take you up on it.

Canpaign “Mystic Search” complete.

“Woo Hoo Dragon” unlocked.

Enjoy my final friendship campaign on the forums! I’m considering continuing these on Discord, if anyone knows how I can archive my previous concepts, do tell me. Because I also thought of remaking my old ones for Discord.

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They never said it was. This is just for fun.

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