Yang (Yin Yang Yo) Hero Concept

Are you trying to tell us that was the training exercise?

Yang kicks butt with a chee hoo waa! Armed with his trusty bamboo sword, he’ll send the creeps packing.

Role: Damage

Position: Front

Stars: :star2:

Trial Team: Yellow

Entrance: Yang jumps onto the battlefield and pulls out his bamboo sword

Victory: Yang cheers as he taunts the defeated enemy team

Defeat: Yang’s bamboo sword breaks in half as he gets frustrated

Basic attack: Yang slashes his bamboo sword at enemies


White Skill: Foonado
:sparkles: Fantastic Damage

Yang rapidly spins in a cycle creating a tornado. He then plows through the enemy team dealing X damage to all enemies, knocking them back, and snaring them. When Yang returns to his position, his attack speed is increased by 200% for 12 seconds.

Green Skill: Power Punch
:sparkles: Fantastic Damage

Yang expands his fists and fires them at the two farthest enemies. Each fist deals X damage and are drained for 15 seconds. Yang also removes all shields and invincible buffs from enemies he hits.

Blue Skill: Yang-a-Rang
:fist: Normal Damage

Yang transforms his sword into his Yang-a-Rang and throws it through the enemy dealing X damage. The Yang-a-Rang then travels back dealing X more damage to enemies and sapping them for 10 seconds.

Purple Skill: Level 2 Woo Hoo Warrior

When silence is applied to Yang he will be charmed, but in all other cases, he’s immune to charms.

When Yang gets a speed buff from any source, he additionally gains X basic damage and skill power for the rest of the wave up to a maximum of X basic damage and skill power.

Red Skill: Chee Hoo Waa!
:sparkles: Fantastic Damage

Yang now fires two more punches from “Power Punch” that target the two closest enemies.

“Power Punch” now deals X damage over time for 7 seconds. When Yang uses “Foonado” the cooldown for “Power Punch” is reset.

Additional stat boosts

  • +Z basic damage

  • +Z skill power

  • +Z damage from “Foonado”


Yang - Raya
Woo Hoo Dragon
Bonus True Damage to Damage Allies

  • Damage role allies gain X basic damage

  • Enemies damaged by this memory can take a maximum of X damage

  • skill power

Damage heroes on team now deal 10% of the enemy’s max HP as true damage. Damage heroes can deal damage this way once every 8 seconds.

  • +10% per star

  • -1 second per star

Yang - Max Goof
Harmonic Warrior
“Foonado” limits and distracts enemies

  • max hp

  • Yang’s basic attack deals X fantastic damage to distracted enemies

“Foonado” now limits and distracts enemies for 3 seconds.

  • +3 seconds per star


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