Yax upgrade or buff?

is it possible for yax to be a little more useful ?

his attacks aren’t good enough to keep him alive.
and his health skills can’t regen fast enough before being where you started. and yes i know migel is better yet im not high enough to get his disks.

any idea on what could be done?

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I choose upgrade


A lot of older characters really need some buffs, especially the original units. They can be useful in some situations, yet only in about 5-10% of situations. Yax is someone who could use a buff that helps him stay alive longer to heal others, or be immune to certain disables.

Judy could use a buff of delivering True damage to get past Cricket bat creeps, or has her target someone else besides front line creeps.

Nick could use a huge armor buff, as he goes down so incredibly fast to normal damage.

Bogo is good. I mean, he’s probably one of my favorite tanks because he survives. XD

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Yax really needs some workout to be done. As a starter up unit he’s fine, but later beyond orange he drops drastically. It is the most requested hero for a refresh, followed up by Frozone and Vanellope.
Hopefully his moment of glory will arrive one day.

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