Role:Backline Control
Quote “If we can’t use Woo Foo power , we can use the power that nature gave us.”
Entrance: Yin comes in meditating with a force field then drops on the ground ready to battle
Victory: Yin smiles and meditates with two emery balls
Defeat: Yin gets so angry and stands there
Basic attack: shoots out a blue and white energy ray from her hands
Rabbit with the Action:(Normal damage) The player chooses one of the three skills for Yin to Preform when “Girl with the Action” is activated
1.Yin-cinerate: Yin shoots out a red beam knocking 3 of the closets enemies back dealing with X damages.
2.Transfoomate: Yin Transforms an enemy for 6 seconds and lowering their stats
3.Fooluminate: Yin shoots out a beam of energy stunning 3 of the closest enemies for 6 seconds
While on Auto Yin will perform each effect in order and cycle back to the first effect.
Yin turns herself two of her allies invisible for 5 seconds
Levitation: Yin levitates herself and 2 of her allies and heals them to Max HP
Foo Field: When Yin is about to die one time, she puts a force field around herself for 10 seconds and heals herself for X HP
Magic Rabbit: Yin gains more stringent when using her white skills to damage enemies.
When Yin uses her Blue skill, she and her two allies she healed would be invincible for 3 seconds.
Yin and Judy
Allies: Merlin Rex, and Kida
Campaign: A Rabbit adventure: Yin and Judy are having a good in the city catching and arresting hero’s but then an incident occurred in the hub so they have to combined their skills to find where and who was involved in it.
Disk: Adventure Badge
Disk memory: Yin would not take any damage in the beginning of each wave.
Disk power: invincibility
Yin and Rapunzel
Allies (Ian, Sully and Boo, Captain Amelia)
Campaign: Princess Fan - When Yin meets Rapunzel, she became a big fan of her and loved her hair, now Rapunzel, helped Yin know what being a Princess is like.
Disk:Princess hair
Disk memory: Yin can now heal herself with the Purple Skill for Max HP
Disk Power: Skill power