Yzma mods in the deal are not attuned to her

I just saw yzma deals with mods but seems that both +4 mods are not attuned to her since there is no yzma face on the bottom right corner. Can you pleas post the offer with the correct mods?

I believe you have to attune them yourself unfortunately

This same offer always appear in the last 3 dy of the month… 100 sign in hero chip 2 mods and some stuff and usually mods (also in all other deals including mods) are already attuned so i HOPE is a bug and they will fix it

@Polaris can you please pass this to the devs ask them to put up the right offer with attuned mods?

The event has been updated - we’ll be sending out a correction to people who purchased it before the mods were correct.


Thanks for solving that so fast!

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