Zap ( unlikely concept)

Here is my second concept!




Quote:Ride the lightning!



Trial: Red


Entrance:walks into position (until green skill)

Victory:Smiles very big

Defeat:Yells at the enemy

Basic attack:Spits water from his mouth


White skill: Lightning breath - normal damage

Zap will spit lightning out of his mouth for 7 seconds hitting all enemies for x damage this will last one second longer for every enemy that is stunned zap can still take damage using this skill.

Green skill: Sea slime slide - normal damage

At the start of every wave Zap will slide right through enemies doing x damage enemies will also have their attack speed, and move speed lowered by 50% for 8 seconds.

Blue skill: Tesla storm - fantastic damage

Zap will spit out a blast of electricity at the enemy with the most hp doing x damage this will also do more x damage if that enemy is stunned this skill can stun the enemy for 7 seconds

The stun might fail if the enemy is above level x

Purple skill: Stay awhile

When Zap uses “sea slime slide” the sea slime will stay in the battlefield for 10 seconds increasing the length of the attack speed, and move speed decrease by 4 seconds until the slime goes away if Zap uses “Lightning breath” or “Tesla storm” and the sea slime is still there all enemies will be stunned for 9 seconds.

Red skill: Washout

Each time Zap hits a enemy with “Lightning breath” or “Tesla storm” Zap will remove any buff the enemy has after removing the buff Zap will gain the it.

This has a chance to fail if the enemy is above level x

+X evasion

+X reality

+X more damage for “Lightning breath”


Zap/Hank and Dory
Campaign:Under water adventures
Disc: water gem
Allies:Megavolt, Mushu, Moana
Buff: Zap can stun a enemy with his basic attack for 2 seconds
Disc power: +X sp

Zap/Minnie Mouse
Campaign:adventure in the city
Disc: Good luck bow
Allies: Jumba, Tron, Goliath
Buff: Zap’s “Lightning breath” will do 10% more damage on Tank role enemies
Disc power:+X hp

Feedback would be appreciated!:heart:

How is the damage spread out over the 7 seconds? Is it “x damage per second for 7 seconds” or “x damage over 7 seconds”?

For every enemy that is currently stunned or for every time an enemy has been stunned throughout the wave? If it’s the former, I’m not sure how effective it’d really be, but if it’s the latter, it may be a little too strong with allies like HDL and Evil Queen.

Quite frankly, I think this makes the skill a bit awkward because if I understand it right, this means that his White Skill can be stopped if an enemy deals enough damage to him in one hit.

How much does this skill lower enemies’ attack and movement speeds by specifically?

I would reword this to say “dealing X damage and stunning the enemy for 7 seconds” and then reword the bonus effect to say “If the enemy is already stunned, this deals X more damage.” Just so this skill is easier to read and understand.

How much longer does the attack and movement speed decrease last for? Until the slime goes away? Also, the stun effect kind of contradicts the slow here a bit.

I’d add one more effect to the Red Skill to make it stronger.

What do the disk upgrades for this effect look like?

Disk star effects aren’t usually represented through variables. If you want to keep the effect similar to this, I’d suggest using a percentage instead (like “‘Lightning Breath’ deals 10% more damage (+10% per star) to Tank role enemies” or something like that).

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Thank you for the feedback. Yeah I will have to fix some things :sweat_smile:

Fun fact: His wow pow is named after a boy who died from a rare cancer

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