Zelkiiro's List of Character Refresh Concepts Hooray!

Huh. Could’ve sworn Herc was on my list at some point. I absolutely can whip up somethin’ nice for Herc.

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If anyone needs a refresh, it’s Ursula and Felix.

New Refresh Concept: Hercules

Ever since Maximus showed up on the scene, Hercules has been pushed out of his niche and now he’s down in the gutter, never to be used by anyone. I think it’s time we revived this disruptive offense tank and give him the glory he deserves!

The Refresh

Base Stats

  • Basic damage increased by 200%
  • Skill power increased by 125%
  • HP increased by 250%


:white_circle: White Skill - True Hero

  • Increased healing by 400%
  • Now Cleanses Hercules of all debuffs
  • New effect: Herc’s allies have their damage increased by 50% for 8 seconds

"Hercules appeals for aid from his father, Zeus, Cleansing himself of all debuffs, healing himself for X HP, and becoming Invincible for 8 seconds.

Inspired by his courage, Hercules’ allies have their damage increased by 50% for 8 seconds."

:green_circle: Green Skill - What Goes Around

  • Increased damage by 300% for both damage instances
  • The second hit now Disarms enemies for 5 seconds instead of Stunning them, preventing them from using basic attacks and lowering their defenses by 50%, with a chance to fail over level X
  • Reduced initial cooldown by 1 second and total cooldown by 2 seconds

"Hercules bends his sword and throws it like a boomerang, dealing X damage and knocking back enemies. It then travels back to Hercules, dealing X damage and Disarming enemies for 5 seconds.

Disarmed enemies cannot use their basic attacks and have their Armor and Reality reduced by 50%. The Disarm has a chance to fail against enemies above level X."

:large_blue_circle: Blue Skill - Pommel Strike

  • Increased damage by 450%
  • This ability now also removes all active buffs from the target
  • Reduced total cooldown by 2 seconds

“Hercules bashes the closest enemy with the pommel of his sword, dealing X damage and Stunning them for 8 seconds. This attack also removes all active buffs from the target.”

:purple_circle: Purple Skill - Wonder Boy

  • Increased permanent HP gain by 250%
  • Hercules’ damage is now also permanently increased by 50% per use
  • Hercules now Distracts all enemies while he is Invincible

"Each time Hercules uses True Hero, his maximum HP is increased by X and all damage he deals is increased by 50% for the rest of the wave. Additionally, enemies are Distracted by Hercules while he is Invincible.

The Distract has a chance to fail against enemies above level X."

:red_circle: Red Skill - Strength to Spare

  • Increased HP to Armor value to 25% and now also grants the same amount of Reality to allies
  • Energized value increased to 100
  • Hercules’ allies have their damage permanently increased by 20% each time he uses True Hero
  • Bonus Wonder Boy HP increased by 100%

"Allies gain Armor and Reality equal to 25% of Hercules’ maximum HP.

While Hercules or his allies are Invincible, they are also Energized. Allies Energized by Hercules gain 100 extra Energy each time they basic attack. The Energize has a chance to fail on allies above level X.

Each use of True Hero now also increases the damage Hercules’ allies deal by 20% for the rest of the wave. This has a chance to fail on allies above level X."

Friend Campaign Disks

Disk #1 - Megara

  • Current Level Effect: HP bonus increased by 450%
  • Current Level Effect: Skill Power bonus increased by 300%
  • Current Star Effect: Now boosts the duration of the Disarm effect instead of Stun, to match the changes to the ability
  • Added Star Effect: Pommel Strike now also Slows its target by 12% per star (to a maximum of 60% at 5 stars) for 4 seconds when the Stun ends.

Disk #2 - Maui

  • Current Level Effect: HP bonus increased by 400%
  • Added Level Effect: +X Basic Damage to Hercules and allies
  • Added Level Effect: +X Armor
  • Current Star Effect: Reworked
  • New Star Effect: True Hero now grants Invincibility to Hercules’ allies for 3 seconds (+0.5 seconds per star, to a maximum of 5 seconds at 5 stars).
  • New Star Effect: True Hero also increases Hercules’ Attack Speed by 30% (+15% per star, to a maximum of 90% at 5 stars) for 8 seconds.
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Sweet refresh idea! Went from zero to hero, just like that!

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Honey he’s now HUNKULES!


New Refresh Concept: Sarah Sanderson

It is actually baffling, how terrible Sarah is. Positively confounding. She’s barely a quarter of a year old, and she’s already in dire need of a refresh, if not an entire rework. Also, I find the lack of Charm in her kit to be an affront to everything that is sacred and/or holy. So today, we’re going to fix what may very well be the worst-at-release character the game has ever had!

The Refresh


  • Sarah’s badges have been radically altered, making it so she has 60% Reality Negation, 85% Fantastic Crit, 40% Crit Damage, and 55% Evasion at most Red and Yellow ranks.

Base Stats

  • Base attack speed increased by 25%


:white_circle: White Skill - Enchanted Melody

  • Increased Billy’s HP by 50%
  • Billy’s basic attacks now deal Fantastic damage to nearby enemies
  • Increased bonus Fantastic damage on Sarah’s basic attacks by 100%
  • Increased active ability’s healing to Billy by 100%
  • This ability now Charms all enemies instead of Distracting them and deals Fantastic damage over time to Charmed enemies

"Passive: Billy fights alongside Sarah and starts combat with X HP, X Armor, and X Reality. Billy’s basic attacks deal X Fantastic damage to nearby enemies and heal him for X HP, and once Sarah is KO’d, Billy is also KO’d. In addition, Sarah’s basic attacks deal an additional X Fantastic damage.

Active: Sarah sings, Charming all enemies for 10 seconds. Charmed enemies take X Fantastic damage every second. Billy listens to Sarah’s song and is healed for X HP.

The Charm has a chance to fail against enemies above level X."

:green_circle: Green Skill - Billy Fright

  • Nearby enemies are now passively Distracted by Billy while not Charmed
  • Increased damage by 40%
  • Scare duration increased to 8 seconds
  • This ability now hits all enemies

"Sarah directs Billy to frighten her foes, dealing X Fantastic damage to all enemies and Scaring them for 8 seconds. Enemies Scared from any source deal X less damage to Billy.

Additionally, enemies who are not Charmed are Distracted by Billy while he has his head.

The Scare has a chance to fail against enemies above level X."

:large_blue_circle: Blue Skill - Heads Off

  • Reworked

“When Billy is reduced to 0 HP, his head falls off for 5 seconds before he finds it and reattaches it. When Billy reattaches his head, he heals back to full HP and becomes Invincible for 5 seconds. Billy deals X additional damage with his basic attacks and gains 50% bonus Attack Speed for the rest of the wave each time he loses his head.”

:purple_circle: Purple Skill - Amok!

  • Now redirects 45% of all damage from Sarah
  • Now reduces all redirected damage by 50%
  • New effect: Passively increases Billy’s max HP

"When Billy has his head, 45% of the damage Sarah would take is redirected to Billy instead. Damage that Billy takes in this way is reduced by 50%.

Billy gains X additional maximum HP.

The damage redirect has a chance to fail against enemies over level X."

:red_circle: Red Skill - Take Thee Away

  • Sarah’s basic attacks now are guaranteed to apply Sap, Scare, or Silence, the debuffs now last for 6 seconds, and no longer have a level requirement to be applied
  • Charm is now among the debuffs Sarah’s basic attacks can inflict
  • Billy applies Curse on his basic attacks rather than with an aura
  • Bonus Fantastic damage to Sarah’s basic attacks increased by 1500%

"Sarah’s basic attacks randomly Sap, Scare, Charm, or Silence her target for 6 seconds.

When Sarah uses Enchanted Melody, she instructs Billy to move towards the furthest enemy.

Billy heals for X HP every second while any enemy is Scared, and his basic attacks now Curse affected enemies for 5 seconds."

Friend Campaign Disks

Disk #1 - The Evil Queen

  • Current Level Effect: Removed bonus damage to Sarah’s passive
  • Added Level Effect: +X Basic Damage
  • Added Star Effect: Sarah and Billy deal 20% additional damage per star (to a maximum of 100% at 5 stars) to the Most Wanted enemy.

Disk #2 - Winifred Sanderson

  • Current Level Effect: Increased bonus HP by 200%
  • Current Star Effect: Effect range increased to double the range of Billy’s basic attacks

And with a miserable 2 hours of work, all my Refresh concepts now have preview text boxes.


New Refresh Concept: Scar

This poor, starving kitty needs food! Scar wants so badly to be a stealthy ambush DPS, but he has next to nothing that lets him do that, and so right now he does almost nothing. Let’s help this sneaky cat be the stealthy terror he clearly wants to be!

The Refresh


  • Scar’s badges have been adjusted to give him 65% Armor Negation and 80% Crit Damage at most Red and Yellow ranks.

Base Stats

  • Basic damage increased by 125%
  • Skill power increased by 75%
  • HP increased by 100%
  • Base attack speed increased by 20%
  • Base movement speed increased by 25%


:white_circle: White Skill - Long Live the King

  • Increased damage by 300%
  • Silence duration increased to 9 seconds
  • Now Stuns enemies that are Scared
  • Both the Silence and the Stun resist Evasion and Tenacity

"Scar roars, dealing X damage to all enemies and Silencing them for 9 seconds. Scared enemies are instead Stunned for 9 seconds.

While Scar is Prowling, this attack also Scares all enemies for 12 seconds.

The Silence and Stun cannot be dodged, Evaded, or have their durations reduced by Tenacity."

:green_circle: Green Skill - A Matter of Pride

  • Increased damage by 500%
  • Now deals 30% additional damage per 5% missing HP
  • Initial cooldown reduced by 0.75 seconds
  • Cooldown is reset when Scar reduces an enemy to 25% HP

"Scar bites the closest enemy, dealing X damage. This does 40% more damage for every 5% HP the enemy is missing. The remaining cooldown of this ability is reduced by 100% when Scar reduces an enemy below 25% HP.

While Scar is Prowling, this ability instead targets the enemy with the lowest maximum HP."

:large_blue_circle: Blue Skill - Be Prepared

  • This ability now activates again each time an enemy is KO’d, lasting longer if Scar himself dealt the finishing blow

"Scar begins combat Prowling, becoming Invisible for the first 12 seconds of combat and receiving 75% less damage from all sources while Prowling.

When an enemy is KO’d, Scar begins Prowling again for 8 seconds. If Scar was the one to KO the enemy, the duration increases to 12 seconds.

While Prowling, Scar is untargetable. The damage reduction from Prowling is less effective when damaged by enemies above level X."

:purple_circle: Purple Skill - The Lion’s Share

  • Scar now exclusively targets the enemy with the lowest maximum HP while Prowling, ignoring Distract effects

"Scar is healed for 35% of all the damage he deals.

In addition, while Prowling, Scar will focus his attacks on the enemy with the lowest maximum HP and will ignore all Distract effects for the duration.

The healing amount is reduced when damaging enemies above level X."

:red_circle: Red Skill - On the Prowl

  • Instead of Stunning enemies, the effect instead grants 6 seconds of Prowling
  • Bonus Prowling damage also dealt to Scared enemies
  • Stat bonuses unchanged

"When Scar deals 10% or more of an enemy’s maximum HP in damage, he enters the Prowling state for 6 seconds.

While Scar is Prowling, he deals 150% more damage to Silenced or Scared enemies.

The extra damage has a chance to fail against enemies above level X."

Friend Campaign Disks

Disk #1 - Maleficent

  • Current Level Effect: Basic Damage bonus increased by 200%
  • Added Level Effect: +X Skill Power
  • Current Star Effect: Duration increased to 8 (+1 per additional star) seconds and can activate 3 times per wave
  • Added Star Effect: The Lion’s Share now heals Scar for 40% (+5% per additional star) of the damage he deals when he activates Prowling from this disk.

Disk #2 - The Queen of Hearts

  • Current Level Effect: Basic Damage bonus increased by 300% and now applies to Scar and allies
  • Added Level Effect: +X Armor
  • Added Level Effect: +X Maximum HP
  • Added Star Effect: A Matter of Pride now immediately KO’s enemies that are at or below 5% (+3.75% per additional star) of their maximum HP.
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Don’t want to be rude, but it really is funny

I’d love to see a refresh idea on Genie someday. Could that be the next refresh?

Yeah probably he would

New Refresh Concept: Genie

Uhhhh…Genie’s good, guys. But the people want it, soooo…here goes?

The Refresh


  • Genie’s badges have been adjusted to give him 75% Tenacity at most Red and Yellow ranks.

Base Stats

  • Basic Damage increased by 100%
  • Skill Power increased by 50%
  • HP increased by 85%


:white_circle: White Skill - Three Wishes

  • Increased healing by 50%

"Genie grants 3 wishes, healing the 3 weakest allies for X HP over 8 seconds.

Genie can’t grant a wish to himself."

:green_circle: Green Skill - Makeover

  • Increased damage by 30%
  • The target is no longer untargetable while Stunned

"Genie turns a random enemy into an object, Stunning them for 6 seconds. When the target reverts to their normal form, they are dealt X damage.

This skill has a chance to fail against enemies higher than level X."

:large_blue_circle: Blue Skill - Cosmic Power

  • No changes

"Genie’s 2nd wish now grants 8 seconds of Invincibility in addition to healing.

Genie’s 3rd wish now grants 650 energy in addition to healing.

This has a chance to fail on allies higher than level X."

:purple_circle: Purple Skill - Energize

  • No changes

"The Attack Speed of allies and Genie being healed over time are increased by 50%.

This effect is reduced on allies higher than level X."

:red_circle: Red Skill - Wish Fulfillment

  • Increased healing by 100%
  • Bonus Basic Damage increased by 75%

"While allies have 2 or more heal over time effects on them at once, they are also Energized. Allies Energized by Genie gain 90 extra energy each time they basic attack.

Once per wave, when an ally reaches 30% of their Max HP, Genie heals them for X HP over 8 seconds. Genie can use this once per ally."

Friend Campaign Disks

Disk #1 - Mike Wazowski

  • Unchanged

Disk #2 - Elsa

  • Unchanged

Below average, his purple is only good, but it’s not game-changing skill. And Vinny counters it.

what-are-you-doing-izzy (1)

Yeah, and he didn’t change the issue that genie can’t heal himself. Biiig problem there

It doesn’t make sense for Genie to grant his own wish, regardless of game mechanic…


Well, umm.

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He’s meant to be used alongside Ariel or Timon. Making him OP on his own would make those combos absolutely ridiculous.

And no one’s using Vinny, let alone going whaling to max out his Red skill. Come on, now.

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Then so, neither nobody is using Genie just for that combo, waste of a slot. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Oh… hah.

New Refresh Concept: Aladdin

Aladdin, on the other hand, is terrible. Mind-bogglingly terrible. Possibly even in-dire-need-of-a-full-on-rework terrible. Let’s get crackin’!

The Refresh

Base Stats

  • Basic damage increased by 200%
  • Skill power increased by 75%
  • HP increased by 100%


:white_circle: White Skill - Sabre Slash

  • Increased damage by 300% per swing
  • Relocated effect: Effect of Shank disk now baseline

“Aladdin slashes enemies with his scimitar 3 times, dealing X damage with each swing. This increases Aladdin’s Attack Speed by 150% for 6 seconds.”

:green_circle: Green Skill - Energy Steal

  • Increased damage by 125%
  • Increased Energy steal to 300
  • Now hits the attacker and all other nearby enemies, but still only steals Energy from the enemy who triggered the attack
  • No longer has an initial cooldown and total cooldown reduced to 5 seconds

“Aladdin dodges a melee attack and Counters, dealing X damage to his attacker and all other nearby enemies and stealing 300 Energy from the primary target. Aladdin can only use this Counter once every 5 seconds.”

:large_blue_circle: Blue Skill - One Jump Ahead

  • Now reduces his ability cooldowns by 1 second when successfully dodging an attack

"Aladdin has a 25% chance to dodge any attack. When Aladdin dodges an attack, the cooldowns of Energy Steal and Magic Carpet Ride are reduced by 1 second.

Aladdin’s chance to dodge is reduced against enemies who are above level X."

:purple_circle: Purple Skill - Magic Carpet Ride

  • Increased damage by 200%
  • Now has a 12 second cooldown and functions like a normal attacking ability

“Aladdin rides Carpet over his enemies at the start of combat, jumping down into them and swinging his scimitar 3 times, dealing X damage to nearby enemies with each swing. Aladdin can leap onto Carpet and repeat this attack every 12 seconds.”

:red_circle: Red Skill - Gotta Keep Up

  • Now also reduces the duration of Slow effects to last a maximum of 3 seconds
  • Bonus damage to Magic Carpet Ride now applies to all enemies, not just Control role enemies

"Aladdin blocks all disables longer than 3 seconds from affecting him, and Slow effects on Aladdin cannot last longer than 3 seconds.

This has a chance to fail against enemies above level X."

Friend Campaign Disks

Disk #1 - Genie

  • Current Level Effect: Increased healing per second by 1000%
  • Added Level Effect: +X Skill Power
  • Added Level Effect: +X HP
  • Current Star Effect: Invincibility duration increased to 2 (+1 per additional star) seconds and can be triggered three times per wave. Because three wishes.

Disk #2 - Shank

  • Current Level Effect: Increased Basic Damage bonus by 300%
  • Added Level Effect: +X Skill Power to Aladdin and allies
  • Added Level Effect: +X Armor to Aladdin and allies
  • Current Star Effect: Removed, now baseline
  • New Star Effect: Sabre Slash and Magic Carpet Ride remove 12% (+12% per additional star) Armor from affected enemies for 8 seconds. Aladdin gains 40% of the stolen Armor for the rest of the wave.
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