1.12.2 Known Issues

As part of the update of City Watch, the resets were adjusted, so they behave like resources now. They aren’t granted at the daily reset, but refill over time. I’ve asked the team to add a ‘more in’ timer for them so players know when to expect another reset.

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So, the perk that helps our member store 1 more daily CW reset, it still works? Or we can’t store them anymore?

It still works. That perk allows players to hold more than one reset, but everyone still has the same gain rate of 1 per day.


Phew. That’s good to hear. Thank you. So the timer will be in the game next update, I assume?

Does this mean (assuming I have no resets) that if I play CW at 9pm one day, I’ll have to wait until 9pm the following day for my reset so that I can play it again? :thinking: :fearful:

Thank you for the reply, Support also helped me clear this out. I am not sure why this specific change and what it achieves, though :?

Not really a glitch, but i feel that City Watch is more harder than before? :thinking:

I also felt this happening to me, but double-checked today and realized it was simply because the reset time was drastically changed for me (something like 12hrs different from before). I did this by noting the coming reset time, then checking how much time I had left after I actually did my reset, which was about 2 hours after the reset time and showed 22 hours to next reset after I did it.

Well the teams are now from Coliseum teams instead of Arena so…

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Another possible bug - I raised this in its topic but didn’t get a reply: anyone notice Aladdin dropping in before the opposing D&B and not behind him?

Boss bots invasion still overpowered or you screwed up invasion

None of the heroes are using any of their skills in invasion bots. It stays maxed out which makes it a lot harder to kill the bots.

Ohh, i forgotten

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City watch is far too difficult for normal level. I can not even get past area 1. This needs to fixed please

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Heist bug found look on my topic for more details

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