1.12.2 Known Issues

Epic keys are not available on most servers yet the description of super hard city watch days rewards include keys. (server 10l

Back into the Fray Pack isn’t showing up. Nor is any other deal except the celebration one.

I just revived 5 heroes with my last 5 hero revives but hey didn’t revive and all my revives are gone??

Problem resolved itself when someone else killed off the mama bot I was going to use those heroes for.

It’s in the same row as gold now. I think…

@Polaris, has the 2X Drop Chapters perk been officially added? Is it safe to spend influence on this perk?

Also, does/will this effect the Power Craft calculations?

@Polaris, are the up arrows next to the skills supposed to be for another future feature?

It’s for the skills cost

It’s true that they moved up but what we’re missing are the timers for next skill point to refill (and maybe add a “full” timer as well)

Ok. I know I’ve said this in every update now but Stitch’s quite still doesn’t have quotation marks. I know it’s a silly thing to nitpick about but every other hero has quotation marks.

I don’t know if this is a new bug or not, but in Invasion if the mama bot dies while a Brute creep is on the field, and no fantastic damage is available to kill the Brute creep, the battle can continue with the mama bot dead and everyone just attacking the Brute until the timer runs out. When the timer runs out, it does register the bot being dead like it would normally.

I’d have thought that if the mama bot dies, all the creeps should die along with her, thus ending the battle.

Welcome back, Polaris!

I noticed a new bug with enemy Hiro - his Megabot sometimes doesn’t die upon Hiro’s death now. I’ve only ecountered it once so far, but I’m trying to repoduce the bug.

Another one I believe:

In some cases Mod Upgrades aren’t being reflected in Arena defence. Screenshots from a guildie:

This is in the known issues list. The keys are not available on your server, and should not be displaying as a reward in that difficulty. We’re working to take it out of the UI.

Not all events are available to all players.

Yes, this is a new perk - it will be taken into consideration when power crafting.

I’ve asked the design team to take a look at returning the timer to the “get more” page.

Should be fixed in the 1.13 update.

Do you have more details on this? A support ticket might be good from the account that observed it, including the details about the level of the mama bot, and who was the finder (you, the guild, or the specific guild member).

I’ve seen another case of this and I’ve asked the team to investigate.

Good morning all! :grinning:


In fact, it was observed before the update so I’m not sure how long it’s been a thing. It’s pretty tricky to replicate :stuck_out_tongue: these are my screenshots, of the battle continuing with the bot dead, and the screen at the end. I can’t remember the level but hopefully it can be inferred from the total HP :thinking:


Ah OK, this was completely new to me. I assumed it to be the opposite. I guess I need to use pen and paper to know what heroes to use to proceed in their quests. :thinking:
Maybe a counter should be added or some sort of tag to know which one needs progress.

Thanks for the update and sorry for the constant asking!


Goofy died in a battle while he was stunned…


@Polaris Something is wrong with City Watch resets now; I didn’t get my daily reset, a teammate reported an issue with a reset being granted and then being taken away. Essentially me and my teammate both lost a reset for no reason.

I’m still experiencing this problem

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