1.5 Known Issues

Here’s an issue, constructive criticism:

Just because people on older servers have spare Hero Chips doesn’t mean we want to evolve them to a sixth star. Certain missions require Hero Chips, and if a hero is maxed it makes starting them easier. There was a sense of completion I had with certain heroes but not anymore…


SO TRUE, with stars at leaaast the game felt like… with a finishing purpose, nooow it’s like it will NEVER end xD Don’t go crazy with stars, guys ^^u

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Let’s keep this thread on-topic for bugs and issues with the updates. If you want to start a discussion thread in Feedback about the 6 stars, please do!

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Update 1.5.2 says for servers 1-8, (I am on 8) Ursula will be available in the war shop, but she is not there after installing update.

Heroes will not appear in Shops until they refresh.

Still having an issue with guild walls. They are regularly wiped after each of the last few updates. We’ve taken to copying and re-pasting each post after each wipe, but it is extremely annoying and time-consuming.


Bonjour la mise à jour à été effectuée et certaines micropuces de heros ont disparues de la campagne Elite ( jack Sparow) la veille de la fin de mon défi 25 micropuces du même héro en 7 jours… pas sympa tout ça…

Don’t know if this is only with me or if anyone has had the same issue, but not all of my shops refreshed at 9pm last night or 5am when they were supposed to. Namely the memory shop and the challenge shop.

The challenge shop refreshes once a week on Wednesday morning, when the new weekly challenges are activated.

If your memory shop didn’t refresh, please contact support using the button in the game so they can review the game logs.

The Challenge Shop only refreshes once a week? And there is no way to manually refresh with tokens or shop refresh items? Well that sucks. I got 15,500 Challenge Tokens when the shop went live, how many weeks will it take for me to spend them? Especially if I get 500 a week from the new weekly challenges.

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