2.5 Known Issues

Maybe :thinking:

@Polaris Shopping Spree challenge from The Ultimate Challenge book doesn´t work at all…

It says 25000 Shop Tokens spent in a week from ANY TOKEN SHOPS. Did as info said - Arena, Coliseum, Heist, City Watch and Surge tokens, actually over 16k of them and nothing, still 0/25000 :thinking:

Scratch that, the challenge says Earn :roll_eyes:

Rankings don’t seem to work properly. After I tried unequipping several disks and mods the rankings did lower my score and the rank. When I put them back on the score raised on my side, the rank did not.
From another account, the score is shown as the lower one.

UPDATE: Seem to be that rankings only take the change in rank only when disks are equipped/unequipped. Mods equipping/unequipping does not work in updating ranks.

Honey Lemon also plays her animations for “Sticky Mess” and “Goop Shield” twice, once without noise and the other with noise. Kida also has the same problem with “Crystal Heal”.

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Same allies


Wrong. One of the animations is for when Kida enters her crystal state. The other animation is her basic attack.

The same allies of Basil/Randall if that matters…

Same order too. That actually seems weird


Yeah… both Honey’s friendships seem wrong.

And both have same colour disk - orange.


And both disks are different colors: Red and Yellow

HDL have the same issue as well. Their Joy disk should be red :eyes:

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Yeah… Screen is interesting…

EDIT: It works again


(This isn’t the photo gallery… Musk)

@Polaris will it be fixed before she became unlockable?

I found a bug that some friendship dialogs are in engish even if I have the game in spanish, this is just a translation thing not a huge bug but can you fix it please? :pleading_face: Me and others spanish players prefer a lot to read the friendships in spanish

In city watch Ian sometimes seems to have reflect for more than five seconds (10 seconds in the video I took but cannot seam to add). The opponents were jumba, Ian, Louie, davie, and LSB

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It’s a known thing. All friendship dialogues released since (around) Captain Hook aren’t translated


I would say that once the friendships were released without changing the dialogue every stage. Might be around the time Hook came out, right.

Am I the only one that has not seen the new challenges yet?

Normally on Wednesday at 12:00 PM CET the new challenges arrive. But as shown above, I stil see last weeks challenges on S21

Oh yeah, I have the same problem!

It’s the first week after xmas break, I imagine they were pre-programmed for last Wednesday 30th and been overlooked for this week :man_shrugging: hope to get them soon as I always hold off on doing too much on Wednesday mornings until they arrive :laughing:


Or could just be this… but it’s also affecting non-merging servers :man_shrugging:

(not sure in any case why something that lasts all week needs to be disabled for something that will take a couple of hours)

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