2.5 Known Issues

It was an error with the event and server 2 will have double drops tomorrow.

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Will you also fix Balooā€™s white skill? HMMM?

Thereā€™s some sort of mismatch with Challenge Sticker completion numbers -

According to my black popout screen, Iā€™ve completed 247 Challenges with 212/212 Weekly:

This also shows in my chat profile, where apparently Iā€™ve completed 247/247 Challenges:


However according to my Weekly count, Iā€™ve actually completed 212/214 (this is right, I am in fact missing 2 Challenges):

This is because I do actually have the stickers for the challenges Iā€™m missing - presumably from Cosmetic Crates. It looks like those are being counted in the popout screen & the chat profile as having been completed, when actually they arenā€™t:


Iā€™m not sure why the popout shows as 212 rather than 214, though :man_shrugging:


if you have 214/214 then the end shows 249/247

I assume two of the challenges were made auto-completed (and possibly with the auto-completion of Avid Collector, the number of ā€œendā€ might lower down by 1 further). Either that or there are two challenges that were discarded. I know there are two cosmetics without corresponding challenge (though maybe those are the two ā€œComing Soon!ā€ challenges).


Not exactly a new bug (actually its s fairly old one), but Merlinā€™s invisibility can sometimes last after the battle is over



This is my current need of Sticker Avatars on my main acc. May I ask why Mayor For A Day, Pure Fantasy and Low Battery (not in the list, due to getting the cosmetic) are not included as Challenges? :thinking:

I measured reflect from Ian up to 10 seconds based on certain toon combinations. Couldnā€™t figure out how to post the video on the forum

Maybe because they are new challenges. Iā€™ve never heard of any of them before.

Well, yes, kinda. But there are 3 cosmetics in collections but 2 places for ā€œComing Soonā€ challenges. :thinking:

Also, IĀ“d like Maximum Moxie fixed one day, or changed.

I donā€™t remember the names, but Collections have stickers for two Challenges never available in the game.

Iā€™m in server 16, where the Challenges has been repeated with the old ones, and Iā€™ve never seen those 3 as Challenges either

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