3.4.10 Known Issues Thread


I’m confused


You only used half the quote … For whatever reason.

And maybe read the other posts. Could be interesting:)

Zeus can use his active unlimited times.
Hades disk just allows him to use it at the beginning of each wave, without full energy. Nothing else is changed.


That wasn’t the Problem and question.

Does anyone read the #1 post? :thinking:

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the first post’s solution is that zeus has hades disk.

and that he isn’t limited to just that use

I believe @Herzog_Eule is saying that even on manual, Zeus’ white skill still activates throughout the wave:

Could be that the Hades disk has an error to overwite manual skill activation.
Do you have a video @Herzog_Eule ? or give a screen of the lineups and I can try recrate it?


I think it’s intentional

First use behaves like a passive. Always will be used, and as a skill it will ignore AUTO.
Next uses can be controlled by AUTO.


How long we can wait after update to start the game? In minutes

It is different for each update. Just be patient, it will be back soon :slight_smile:

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That’s what i tried to say :grin::sweat_smile:

But i dont have a Video. (no youtube etc)

I’m not sure if a picture can capture the problem. But I’ll post the team when I get back into the game.

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I m patient but want to know. If they do a good job then they need to tell people every detail about game. :slight_smile:

No. Just no.
They cannot anticipate every bug that can happen, it is not possible. The game is off for a certain time and the PM will let us know if there are any delays, but until then, just be patient.


Thougt this was the team in CW. (Ignore the Invasion stats)
Specials where LP up and Dmg decrease.
That shouldn’t be the problem.

It already was explained that this is normal behaviour.

It isn’t a bug.

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Read All and think before u write an answer pls

But this is. It’s that Moana’s was smaller than a couple weeks ago. I think it has to do with the rescaling of Ariel, and Gadget. Has anyone experienced Moana like this in Guild War, Arena, and in Colosseum?

for zeus with hades disk, shouldn’t he ignore his power bar? as of current, if your power bar is full at start of battle, the skill will use it up. if this is the case what’s the benefit of this disk? you can simply activate it yrself at start of each battle.

That was reported.

But Loutre didn’t say yet what the team said.

@Loutre reportedly the Stamina Buys from 50/50/100/100/100/100/200/… to 50/50/100/100.
Is that true? And if so, why?

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