3.4.10 Known Issues Thread

What does this mean? We can only buy stamina with diamonds 4 times per day? :thinking::thinking::thinking:

Rather that the 6 buys are now more expensive. I’d like more if the first 4 buys were for 50 Diamonds.

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So now it became 100/100/200/200…? :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: Wow, so helpful :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Yes, PB logic is now
We get 5000 diamonds from the hero quests,
And we have all to many Energie and diamonds, so lets increase the costs.


Its another *** move :zipper_mouth_face:
So lang until the game is dead…

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Was there some changes made on badge booster crates that we didn’t know about?

My Bolt has unequipped badges and all other heroes I have are fully badged or lack latest badges

By that logic, when open badge booster crates, I should have received those badges for Bolt. But instead, I got all these useless ones

@Loutre, could you pls check?

Were you holding onto this crate and just opened it?


That happens to me all the time also, when I have lots of crates and use them to apply badges, once I get down to having only a few badges that need to be equipped, it’ll start dropping purple badges instead. If I open them enough the badge I need comes eventually, but then a bunch of the crates are wasted on purple badges I don’t need.

this looks like the same thing as discussed here:



Nope. These are my rewards for beating Trial Event today :sweat_smile: I opened it after I got them and these were the badges I gained


That’s lame, lol. Could someone define ‘not enough equippable’? There’s no reason why that shouldn’t be zero…

Seems like he’s working fine to me (outside of perhaps using energy on the start-of-wave white trigger)


Thx for the answer.
maybe they fixed it, or it was just i Single one.

Not sure if this is related to the update but woke up this morning to find loads of messages in guild chat was missing. Only had 4 messages which had a 7h ago time stamp which meant at Midnight (UK) loads of stuff disappeared? @Loutre

The daily event for market discount is missing from server 23&24 today.

I found a handy work-around for the Google Play Store issue. Do NOT try to update the game from within Disney Heroes…or you’ll get the problem.

Instead, from your phone/tablet, go directly to the Play Store…and locate Disney Heroes. When it comes up, you’ll have an UPDATE button that -will- work.


I know it is weekend and this won´t be answered till Monday.

@Loutre doing the “Special Trial” and trying to raid the Team Trials results in an “Invalid loot”. Of course, looting the Team Trials again does not cause the error to reappear, but it is a bit irritating.

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Phil doesn’t have a spotlight yet, although it is November 1st here. Is this because not everyone is in November yet? :thinking:


No spotlight until everything is confirmed with his stats.


It’s a shame that we couldn’t have the issues fixed this weekend. Maybe next weekend?

It´s not November 7th yet :wink: That is when bold happens.

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