3.4.10 Known Issues Thread

and also “Green Skill Level Decreased”

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Idk about this one, doesn’t sound restricted to just one, not characteristics with Kermit.
But for now yes.


Or is that suppose to be that late?

Gadget is correct.

It is. I remember Hero Recap being even in the middle of the next month previously.

So having it on the 5th is even quite early lol.


No. They are for the sign-in hero of the month.

That same deal appear on middle of last month, and then 3 times around 20 to 31.

So it’s just weirdly late :woman_shrugging:t2:

They are for the sign-in hero of the previous month.

RECAP! is for previous month. Always. Or at the end of the same month. But like… it can stand for the previous month as well and mostly does.

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