3.5 Known Issues Thread

I haven’t worked on new heroes for quite a while so haven’t paid attention to friend campaigns so I really didn’t know that…
So, now, before doing friend campaign, I need to make sure I have at least 6 stamina? :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Sounds annoying…

That didn’t happen for some reason… :thinking:
Unless the crate appears not in the usual time.


There you go :slight_smile:

Was removed a few seconds later :wink:


It’s just because the Sarah one was turned on and off again real quick, but she’s back up.


It was funny because it was Furry Vanellope :joy:


I’m not trying to be a pain, but I do want to point out that the suspension is now not the only “punishment” some players are receiving. We will also be missing out on Sarah for who knows how long until the next time she is available, not to mention arena and coli promotions. Pretty disappointing.


She’s available right now…

Not for suspended players she’s not


It looks to me that they mis counted quite a few others that should have been held accountable also.

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Please keep on topic for this thread. You being suspended for breaking TOS is not an issue with the 3.5.01 update.


Just saying, wouldn´t be good if any “suspension” or “ban” mentions (or similar words) were just considered enough reason to be deleted in this thread? At least for some time.

(Sorry for staying off-topic too)

@Loutre Are you sure these are the final stats for Sarah because the damage seems really low compared to Winifred or other heroes in general :thinking:

Yes, her stats are final.

Ngl, all three witches compared to… well, any previous character… rather suck.

Sarah´s closest comparison is Quackerjack… Well…
Winnifred´s would be I guess Minnie.
And Mary´s would be Madam Mim.


Ok then I guess :unamused:

I don’t know if this is an oversight or anything but why the slow from Sarah’s friend disc is that high??? At max star, it should gives 125% slow, why it says in “Detail” that maximum slow is only 90% :thinking::thinking::thinking: Even Pooh only has 80% slow??? Isn’t Sarah’s slow too much?

@Loutre, pls check with the team


i think speed buffs can negate some of the slow so the disk has an overflow.

But that’s not tested.

Let’s nerf bad character even more!

Because of collection bonuses and speed buffs.
And the slow disappears whenever Billy is dead, and slow has small area.

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@Loutre Why are the icons missing?

And why the redownload?

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