3.7 Known Issues

Not really
His crit damage stat is maxed even without disk so it basically doesn’t affect him

And despite that, a super crit with full crit damage (so ×6 damage) from his white skill does like 5% of my Hiro’s HP - with Hiro having one of the lowest HPs in game as well


Oh yeah forgot that part :joy:
It’s an odd thing to add… maybe more of these disks will come in the future :thinking:

The March 18 update is not showing yet on Amazon. Any word on that?

Still under review! Hopefully Amazon will approve it soon


Underminer seems like he doesn’t want to be around too.

Was the game playable when Prize Wall started without it? :thinking:

Don’t know. I tried to log in about an hour after event started, but can’t until Amazon uodates.

Ah, so likely not. 3.7.11 had the “old” Prize Wall rewards and 3.7.12 has the “new” ones, so I assume it was just a lock when the devs came to office at 9 AM. Feasible.

Uh, why is that a bug in the game?

Update does not work on kindle fire.

the display bug where mods and power etc. are not updated in PVP defence still persists:

These mods were updated a realllllly long time ago :stuck_out_tongue:

“ah but that doesn’t matter, the mods will be right in battle!”

While true (hopefully!) a couple of problems with that -

  1. if I want them to display correctly, I must use a defence change cooldown which then means I can’t change it again for ages

  2. BIG PROBLEM - this is a screenshot from someone else’s account:

They can see the old, incorrect mods (and power)!! That’s no good at all - if I’m planning my attacks, I 1000000% need to know what mods the defending heroes have equipped. As it transpires, I’ve actually got no clue at all whether the mods shown on the defenders are the actual ones they are carrying into battle, and whether the power figure displayed is remotely accurate. That’s worse than not being able to see them at all!

@Loutre ! This is fairly important :stuck_out_tongue:

This could also be easily open to abuse, if say someone were to unequip all their mods etc from their defence heroes, save their defence and then put them all back on… :face_with_monocle::bug:


you need to update your defense

take out joy, put joy in again. that SHOULD help, but i dont think i’ve seen this before

updating defence does update the hero display yeah, but point 1 explains why this is not particularly desirable and point 2 is still a massive issue :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


tested this on my account to confirm - yes, it can be abused :grimacing::grimacing: video here, and the defence is live on my account to see @Loutre

What’s more, aside from the mod & power display, what’s with Nick’s Battle Badge not showing up on the other account’s view? That’s perfectly well equipped in the first place :man_shrugging::sweat_smile: seems like a different bug there.

The correct display for all things is not shown when in the fight screen, either:


feel free to hide my posts once you’ve got everything @Loutre, this feels pretty horrendously broken to be able to essentially run a completely faked defence :sweat_smile: I never realised before that it affected others’ display also and probably nobody else has either. Idk how long it’s been like this but surely many many (most??) defences have been unwittingly wrong :stuck_out_tongue:


@Loutre can the team look into an issue where if someone joins the guild all members are allocated to war cars, not only the person joining.
tested it quite a few time now and as far as I know it should only allocate the new person to a war car.

Not the biggest issue, but if someone is purposefully excluded from being a defese due to lower power it is not ideal to have to remove them every time someone joins a guild.

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Any word from Amazon yet?

@Loutre There is no option now to select sort by contest for members of my guild to see who is contributing. Is this accidental or intentional?

I believe that is only for the time when Guild Contest is active and to see the contribution of your guildmates in Individual Contests you have to go via the Contest menu (Trophy sign on the bottom right)

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My mistake. I didn’t pay attention at first and thought this was a guild contest. Nailed it.

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