3.7 Known Issues

Well that’s strange since it should have been on the 22nd! Let me poke the team


Huh it shows that Kaa and Bagheera had a hero spotlight for 3 days starting on the 22nd, but we can work on getting another one back up for Kaa. Not sure what happened there.


Yes, indeed, no Kaa spotlight had appeared before.

And still isn’t? Not sure if it’s planned later or it’s still somehow not appearing for players at all?

It’s not urgent priority so it’ll be up when the devs have time to look into it.


Maybe it was on the 22nd of this month.

What do you mean?

Maybe all the friendship refreshes are for your extra credit. I’m still worrying about Fear’s Red Skill having problems with Coldsnapper’s death attack as of my photo above.

I have been unable to get any Y11 out of badge booster crates. I have about 50 unequipped badges and opened 40 crates :disappointed::disappointed::disappointed: I contact support and they said they would look into it.

So, I want to ask, have any of you been in the same situation as me? I checked with my friends and so far, only me :disappointed::disappointed::disappointed: such terrible luck

(All those crates I claimed/got today, after Y12 is in game)

As I stated last night when I closed the thread, this does not appear to be a crate issue. Please wait for support to look into your account.

If you had them prior to the update, but only claimed them after the update they may still have only had the badges preupdate which is not an issue with the crates.

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This is not the first time I have done this. Other months and ranks, it works fine. It happens today only. And I claimed some from prize wall today, it shouldn’t be all useless like this.

My friend, they claimed the crates after update (they had it before update but claimed after, like me) and they still got Y11 crates. Which means, the problem is not how we claim them

Above is how you guys respond. From the look of it,it is consider done :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: how is this considered done while it solve nothing?

I don’t expect to have those crates back when I wrote this ticket. I just hope if there is any bug with my account, you guys can fix it so in future, when I claim badge booster crates from prize wall, I can get something actually useful

How that ticket was answered appears to be fine to me. They most likely looked into the account, saw no issue with the crates itself and passed it along further to a dev to look at when they have time.

Again, as your friends/guildmates had no issues with the crates and I have not seen any other reports of issues with the crates you most likely just had bad luck with these crates and it’s not an issue with the crates themselves.

They looked at the account/crates, saw nothing broken and passed it further to be looked at. I’m not sure what else you’d like done for this situation?

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There was one time the support forced me to re-download some content to fix a bug with my mods. Can this be done again? I know it may seem silly but I doubt I can be that unlucky :disappointed::disappointed::disappointed:

Or does it have something to do with the merge? As I merged my account to my main? :thinking::thinking::thinking:

That is unnecessary for this. It has nothing to do with either of those. Again, this appears to just be bad luck.

That’s all you got for me? Bad luck?

Guess I will wait until I get more badge booster crates to see if I ever get any Y11 until Y13…

Again, we’re not seeing any issues with the account or the crates. It’s been noted to the dev team to look at, but not a priority as we have had no other reports so this does not appear to be a widespread issue. Good luck with future crates.

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Shego’s white skill has no effect on Shank🤧


I think there’s a bit of a display issue here.

On Slinky’s character menu, it shows the white arrow that indicates that I need to grind out bits for that last badge in the bottom right.

However, in the character list menu, that white arrow doesn’t appear, which usually means that Slinky is not at the right level to equip that badge (which is definitely not true, as Slinky needs to be level 180 to equip it and is at level 185).


I’ve got a known issue that was on my phone for a very long time. Fear was using the blue skill on the 2 heroes with the lowest health but…

The coldsnapper’s death animation deals damage and freezes its enemy, but it gets frozen for an amount of time.

Afterwards, when the battle ends, the coldsnapper remains in its normal state. It does not dereez at all.

Can you confirm that the coldsnapper’s freeze surpasses shields with immunity?

Echoing this, Shego cannot hit Shank with her white skill no matter what I try. Problem despite a variety of teammates and opponents.

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