3.7 Known Issues

Okay thanks!

Display errors when buying stuff in the markets


This error

is on all servers and shop modes regardless if you need chips or not

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Invasion shop lag is back again now.


Noooooooooooooooooooooo! What server are you on?


Loutre, can the team also please look at why the download data is so large? I dont think it has ever been so big before?

For this the player with negative score needs to upgrade a hero and it will recalculate, I believe.


When purchasing hero chips from the market it no longer displays how many chips you do currently have / need to evolve


Yes, this is a known issue with the level bars in game. It’ll be fixed next server update.


Server 18 all markets are lagging.
Wayyyy worse than before the previous fix.


This is when I opened 10 diamond Crates


Can you send a message to support with this so they can look into your account for more info?

some of the stages in the latest chapter on S1 seem very laggy when trying to raid 10 - might just be general lag but it isn’t every stage

Can’t seem to find the undermined (don’t know if that was intentional or not but I can’t find him)

@Loutre im on server 1 and also noticed the invasion shop lag.

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It wouldn’t surprise me if the dev team decided that an 18% chance for a stun on basic attacks was too OP, even if it was just for 1 second and just from the four AiW heroes.

FWIW, I haven’t noticed any lag in any of the shop for either of my server 1 accounts. I’m running Android on a Samsung Galaxy tablet and a Samsung Galaxy phone.

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Same issues for me. Lost a bunch.

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I also had this issue when opening up a 10x Diamond Crate. Didn’t think to screenshot though.

On all servers when you open diamond crate x10 only the first couple open and then screen freezes. Have tried on multiple accounts with same result. Screen grab here is from s25. Also tested on s21 and s1 with same results. Lost a lot of diamond crates on 25 as result as didnt catch issue in time.

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