3.8 Known Issues

I experienced a bug against The Beast.

He used his white skill and got caught in a loop where he would only ult, and my toons wouldn’t even attack. It lasted the whole fight.

Some toons were still up even if they died (in war)

I got the few last seconds of videos I managed to screen record quickly, sent it to in-game support…

There are quite some heroes that can show this, but most ult over and over due to enemy Reflect.

Why rapid recruitment deal has Ariel?
It should be one of the newer heroes out in farmable place, like Bagheera.

Bagheera is farmable? :thinking:

Diamond crate…

@Loutre could you give some clarification about what happened with Syndrome?

The last update (3.8.10) had buffed him quite heavily, despite the patch notes saying there would be no refresh. But this server update reverted the buff

Oh, wait just a minute, I upgraded him due to the buff, what’s going on?!

Let me poke the team since he should not have had a buff. Possibly a stats mistake and this fixed it back. I had not seen any buff being reported or that would have been fixed sooner.

Ah yes, there was indeed a (maybe mistake) buff with 3.8.10.

His blue dealt with maxed Ma disk like 220M damage (now it´s just 48M).

Honestly he should’ve just kept the buff at this point, it made him so much better and it wasn’t gamebreaking or anything.

True, I agree. If anything, it´d be a good thing for 3.8.10 not having a refresh to have at least Syndrome decent… because otherwise thinking of him as even remotely good can´t really happen.

We can look into a possible buff for him in future, but yes looks like it was just a mistake so it was reverted back.

It may not have looked gamebreaking, but since it was not supposed to go in that means it would not have been checked or approved so we can’t have that. Again we can look into a possible buff for him in future, but his buff was the bug so he’s back to normal.

He was working perfectly fine, and he definitely deserved that buff, he is very mediocre now… again.
That buff made him good and it shouldn’t be removed, feels just wrong after upgrading him.

You could consider that a mistake bait, and you got caught. But not just you, I kinda did as well so… bye bye 2M Disk Power :wave:

Also, considering Pacha with his purple skill deals more damage (as a tank) than Syndrome with any of his skills… very disturbing.

We just can’t get good things here, aren’t we? :expressionless:

… can I get my stamina back?

We never did, only a plethora of OK to fairly useless QoL updates, some insignificant or slightly significant buffs and such. But… what should we expect? :stuck_out_tongue: We were already told that we can go.


Do you suppose that the update 4.0 patch notes are released this weekend, or next weekend?

Prize wall announcement didn’t appear yet

For some reason I cannot craft badges anymore… I’ve seen people talking about the power crafting too


the people talking about power crafting looks like 1 person with 800 alt accounts tbh lol, but maybe there is a bug :man_shrugging:

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