3.8 Known Issues

Can you be more specific about this? What do you mean it is still there?


From today


That wish crate is now permanent, which we haven´t seen yet or it is active by mistake. I think that´s the point being made here.

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It should be turned off tomorrow.


Not quite sure where to put this topic without making a new post, but yeah happened to notice this and just want to quickly say to you Loutre that I hope you get a good colleague to work with that you can team up with :-).

This is not a DH position, but thank you.

I see and yeah, you are welcome Loutre :-).

I mean since I posted it here it hasn’t happened yet but before that I’ve had the ? Happen twice to me

It should have been fixed with the update so let me know if you see it again!

Ok will do if and when it happens again :blush:

Ok. When will there be a permanent Wish Crate?

I don’t have a screenshot right now, but there’s a bug with City Watch -

If you’re using a merc and (only) the merc hero dies, you’re still awarded 3* instead of 2.

This has caused some frustration of accepting the result when the 3* pops up only to find my merc is actually dead :face_with_head_bandage:

Like Underminer? It happens to me a lot :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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I am concerned about the enemy difficulty improperly scaling in Invasion.

The highest levelled member of my team is Y1, so having the enemies at Y13 feels like my team is intentionally being set up to experience an overpowered defeat.

I don’t want to add Invasion to the list of ingame activities I have to avoid because I can’t afford to max out their rank level.

Unfortunately Invasion scales with team level and not rank / power after the “improvement refresh”

Probably something they will look at “somewhere in the future”…

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Would anyone be able to provide us with a video of Namaari entering late? We’re having a difficult time recreating it

Well, Namaari green skill is supposed to stun Zeus (like Mary), as he’s basically mainly the one who got the most SP and he was still able to use his lightning at the beginning of the wave so when she comes at the battlefield it’s already too late.

The invasion enemy rarity scaling is based on the player’s team level, not the rarity of the heroes.

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I have to say, that sounds a bit broken as in negatively balanced given how hard it is to rank up in Disney Heroes.

Sure, if you know the efficient grinding ways and such you will do better and might be around the max Rank, but that isn’t the case for most people/players I think.

For Invasion to be a fair and enjoyable mode it should scale by rank and not by Team Level. It is really easy to increase your Team Level, but super hard to increase your characters’s Rank unless you know how to efficiently grind.

Most players don’t know how to effectively grind likely as it isn’t stated so in the game, so overall Invasion scaling by Team Level rather than Rank is unfair given the difference in difficulty obtaining wise.

By having Invasion scale by Team Level rather than Rank you effectively rig Invasion against the player chance wise. (True that it is better than before when it scaled to max server level, but still balancing left to do as stated above).

Hope you don’t mind this feedback Loutre and yeah, hope you can pass the feedback over to the dev team :-).


I’ll pass along the feedback

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