3 Year Anniversary Celebration!

I don’t think that’s as true as it used to be. A little over a year ago, I had 7 or 8 regular double drop bags; I’m now down to two, despite using no more than one per month. They don’t seem to show up in weekly quest rewards as often as they used to, and are thus getting really hard to come by without buying them in deals or spending way too many diamonds on a bundle.

A terrific idea which I agree with; however, I’m not holding my breath.

I feel this is off topic, but since everyone’s chiming in on it anyway… I agree with Numi; Dash is very strong but eminently counterable, and I have a much easier time beating lines centering on him than on most other meta heroes. Saying that Meg, Angel, etc. can protect Dash is pointless, because they can just as easily protect Wasabi, Mr. Big & Koslov, and other similarly-OP heroes. (Not that the Tundratown Terrors need any protection…) But sure, keep beating that drum until the only first-year hero currently in the meta is nerfed out of it; that’s sure to make all the players who’ve been investing in him, instead of chasing every fresh new game-breaking hero, very happy.


Weekly quest (but mostly once per month), special crates and rarely from contest.

So… you don’t use much… and every 3 weeks there is double drop event.


By… no one.

Been done before with Jafar, Quorra, Randall, Kim and some more, even Yax during beta, the only healer back then. Dash is no different than a broken hero which needs a nerf.

  1. But Dash will still deal more damage and KO Angel/Meg first and falling enemy team first
  2. But still slightly less broken, these have straightforward counters while Dash is just pure luck, not healthy.
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Is it possible to use Trial Resets on the Anniversary Trail after we use all our chances to get more Fozzie Chips?

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I don’t know :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
it’s almost the Anniversary :exploding_head: :tada: :tada: :tada:
The big 3


Like they always say: 3’s the charm


Tomorrow it’s gonna be fun

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Why was this flagged?

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I think there may be a false flagger afoot…


Okay who is sus.

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Which time does the fozy Event starts?

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Yeah. No SPL Events today :confused:

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Tuesday, 5AM. (Your local time)

I wonder…

If we will get some of his chips via mailbox, Goofy and Minnie were given so I hope at least the tradition of giving 3* anniversary heroes will stay.

Oh, and would be nice to make Fozzie event with double/triple skill chips drops, just like with Drakken, or why not better, it’s anniversary afterall, for ALL heroes!



Where do you see this? I dont see it. In the announcements available 03/10. not 03/11?

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Can you show us?

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show what? :thinking:

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Oh wait… I didn’t notice that Musk was replying to someone

I thought for a sec that I could use a trial reset to see Fozzie

Wait… @Polaris will the spotlight trials be resetable?

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So are getting another heroes like in the last patch notes when it updated on monday?

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Would be good, it looks like this is the last thing in this month, and Swedish Chef should be already changed, and if not now it won’t change for another month… it’s terrible, even contests won’t give good things…

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Good thinking I didn’t thought about that

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