3 Year Anniversary Celebration!

They cant edit :man_facepalming:

Oh, right.

so all trials and ports are opened for 2 weeks, an special anniversary trial for Fozzie, double stamina buy and double gold buy, also a special invasion next weekā€¦ should we expect more anniversary events ?

No, but there is also a new avatar and two new borders.

Oh, i just thought about a special anniversary contest they could have

Why isnā€™t the double gold and stamina live on server 23??

Just came through after I posted this, thank you!!!

Well this is crap trial eventā€¦ was hoping the second day we would unlock him butā€¦ oh wait it didnā€™t start the tenth so we donā€™t get Fozzie :roll_eyes:
Please @Polaris and the team give us the extra 7 chips we missed yesterday :pray:

Time to spam my 15 trial resets!

Can it be reset though?

@Kira @Prince-Aamir


Good to know :-).

@Polaris Why S1 havent got The free gift?
Nvm (S2 have got it)

It looks like only S1 havenā€™t got it.



Nothing on server 14ā€¦

The giveaway is on all servers. It started at 9AM. Try restarting the game if you donā€™t see it.

I still donā€™t see it on server 1 for some reason :thinking:
This I got from server 24

So when @Polaris will server 1 get this?


Still nothing, same goes for S14.

S1 and S14 have nothing

Ok, weā€™re looking into it!

The text issues on the Stamina deal were fixed!

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