4.0 Known Issues

I let the team know! May have just been missed.

For tags make sure you guys are tagging @Nugget! I’m about to be out for a day and a half due to a medical procedure so just to make sure things aren’t missed.


@Loutre @Nugget

Is Duffs fantastic crit supposed to be so low considering his skills deal fantastic damage or is it a bug ??

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These are indeed his intended stats :golfer:
He might have low Fantastic Crit but he does have a lot more Skill Power than most Heroes.

so low it could be 0 and it wouldn’t do any difference :woman_shrugging:
and it happens with all heroes after Lilo’s release

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I think Arena: Legacy is broken in rankings.
Can anyone else confirm?

It’s my main acc at TL 315, just saying before someone says “oh, you are not above TL 10?”

Guilds Crate in messages - the Claim All only gives 1 crate even if you have more then one.

I can chat with myself?

I think this is a bug

A very old bug that was mentioned to be fixed a few patches ago…?



Another bug

I had crafted a badge I got and then it kept saying “invalid loot”

And then after I crafted it it literally wasn’t crafted and said I needed 10 more bits’

And I didn’t get my stamina back!!!

Tagging: @Nugget @Loutre

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Looking into these now


Ok thank you

Your client may have been out of sync with the server so nothing you did was actually recorded. If you restart the game the stamina comes back.

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When Underminer KO’ed (Full Energy), he immediately used his white skill and ignored his purple skill.

it will? how do I restart it? Shut down my device?

You can simply close the application and reopen it

ok, thank you!

I shut it down and I didn’t get my stamina back


Could you restart your device entirely and try again?

Looks like the thread with yourself is older than the chat bug fix. There was a bug before where if you added someone, pm’d them, removed them, but the server would be slow on processing all that, and would default the message to yourself when removing the friend.

Your messages aren’t getting saved on the server. If you log out the “hi” will disappear, but the thread won’t.

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