4.4 Known Issues

I claim some exp drink and disc power from contest rewards after contest started but they didn’t count :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

I’m sure it counted last contest :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: did you guys change anything? @Loutre @Nugget

It would be nice if you could give some estimated timeline

I’ve been sometimes putting upcoming collections on the Roadmap, but that is all that will be given until they’re announced in patch notes or newsletter.

Just gonna post it again since it’s all relevant, still. :frowning:

What about Miguel’s bugs?

  • Green skill is only used on damage role allies, if none is available he never uses that skill.
  • Red skill doesn’t increase Max HP, buff appears but nothing is changed.
  • Red skill is missing skill tags
  • Miguel’s red skill increases his own Basic Damage despite having 0 use for that, same with Battle Badge
    • Would be nice to replace Basic Damage for Evasion on red skill
    • Joy has same issue on her own Battle Badge since forever

Also, it’s kinda weird there is no result screen available on a failed CW fight. Could that be added?

FWIW, I know this instance isn’t the first time it’s been an issue, but I do think completing a collection should always provide enough tokens to unlock the avatar for said collection. This situation where we’re waiting for a new collection to release, to be able to unlock an ‘old’ avatar, is really silly.


Yup, we’ve poked the team regarding the missing 3 points.


The team is looking into Miguel’s green skill. The red skill has a skill tag and the health increase does take affect unless there’s an outlier case somewhere

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yes, one, it’s missing BD, SP, and Reality tags


I let them know!


@Nugget And about the basic damage stat that is useless for Miguel?


I know we are very used to Loutre and Nugget answering all our questions and taking feedback on bugs but they are only 2 and we are too many :smiley:. Lets not jump them with “how long should I wait for reply”. If you find a bug or have a question your first action should be to use the in-game support button. The support team is extremely polite and helpful!


I wonder what happened to Elliot. Didn’t get a response from him in a long time. Hopefully he’s fine.

Well if Elliot is indeed he.

Btw @Loutre @Nugget I got a “Boo Brawl Boost” deal notification. Thought the deals are no more, but would like the concept of flash deals at truly random times to happen once in a while. But maybe it’d be better if the deals gave some unusual stuff at a nice rate. Like mod upgrades or badge crates or well…

Elliot was on vacation!

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@Loutre @Nugget

First of all sorry for bothering you with the tag but I recently got VIP 13 and I started to have some issues with the friendship stories.

As you can see both of them have skipped completely the chapter 1 of each new friendship I just unlocked. Making it more harder to understand what’s going on. Could you review with the team if a fix will come soon for this feature?


Oh, so that´s why you answered the tickets. Gotcha.

Not only for Quasimodo’s friendships, but for all friendships. There has to be a way to replay the friendship episodes. Although, it started in October 2020, so that’s not cherishing.

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The deals are switched around again.
S1 got the S21-25 deal

and S21-25 got S1 deal

Why Merida anyway?

Maybe they plan to merge all servers into S1 and are trying to close the gap :man_shrugging:

Im i the only one noticing it? Quasimodo’s blue skill gives hp to ally who falls to 50% and will go berserk,but he doesn’t go berserk at all. Is it a bug?

Last time it wasn’t a thing, and I doubt it will be now, or amy time soon.

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