5.0 Known Issues

OMG! @Polaris, you’re back! The community and I didn’t even know you would be gone for a long time. I hope you will pin any known issues that were caused about 10 days ago.


What’s that armor negation icon doing? I think it doesn’t show up in battle the whole time since soft launch.


Polaris just subs for Samm, while the latter has some time off. Once Samm comes back, Polaris would be “gone” again. (Or rather will go rogue inside the development)


So TECHNICALLY, Polaris isn’t really GONE gone?

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Polaris is “Product Owner”… I still don´t know how far it is from being a “Producer” but you can probably guess what Producer does - it´s more of a background work we cannot really assign to… him or her.


If @Samm comes back in office, I’m not sure if @Polaris would still work as product owner.

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Polaris’ title is product owner
Samm’s title is support agent

They are not changing titles just because one person is on vacation.
Similar to every other company in the world


So, it’s more of a substitution, like basketball or volleyball…

Yesn’t. What you mentioned are collective sports, while support agent (working as a community manager too) is a singular role in the team done by Samm.


It is like a restaurant:

You have a chef or two cooking
You have waiters
You have a barman
You have a receptionist
You have a cashier

Sometimes the barman is waiting tables, but they are still a barman

Sometimes the receptionist is helping if the cashier is off

Sometimes the chef can do reception and cashier if they are not too busy

Their titles do not change when they help out in a different area of the business
But sometimes a business requires people to cover another person’s responsibilities when someone if off or sick

And just because people do not ever see the chefs (Polaris in this case), it does not mean they are not there or not performing a role elsewhere

Does that make sense?


I feel like anyone who doesn’t grasp that is breaking TOS just by being here :stuck_out_tongue:


Got it. From the latest patch notes, I wrote down the 5 issues that appeared after the 5.0 update. These issues should be fixed in the next full update, to 1: realign all animations, and 2: get Clawhauser(Po) in the middle between before the refresh, and after the refresh, based on power. He is the new NERF hero.

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should is the right word there.


Forgot to replace that, but those issues are priority #1.

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We don´t know their priorities. And quite frankly those are not my priorities either.


I think I do, responsibilities right there.

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Well they’re top priority to me. Not for anyone else, unless the team pins them, right @Samm?

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Definitely not top priorty for majority of players.


One could format numbers with Commas! 3,855,349,234 is clearly 3 Billion +.

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WHAT? In Italian, the Purple Skill’s Name has the same name as the Blue Skill’s! Can you please fix that? Thanks.

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