5.0 Known Issues

It’s on our list of issues to check out.


That issue is caused by Tiana.


I faced a lineup of Y0/Y1 enemies (including Tiana) with Y25+ heroes, and wiped out everyone immediately except for Meilin, who was revived by Tiana. Once she returned to the screen after using her white skill, she just stood there doing nothing, and every single attack my heroes made against her Missed.

So yeah, I think it’s safe to say there’s a bug with Tiana’s revive.


So many bugs at the moment it is really worrying…


Please submit a ticket with an example of the Tiana issue if it’s something you’ve experienced recently. For these types of issues it’s really helpful for us to have the battle stats.


So, because you guys can’t find a way to fix the Arena/Coli defense formation (aka 1 hero defense per line), you guys keep coping the rule from last week?

That’s boring and frankly, lame


Honestly agree
Once again, you are punishing low power players who manage to beat higher power defenses due to better line up and strategy.

Change the rule to “power difference” and not “higher power”

Also, way to keep it interesting with another 4 weeks of Baymax, Jake, Abu and Monkey Fist defenses in 90% of the lines.

But meh, another tickbox for another game mode I am no longer going to spend time on.
Just add to the list of Invasion, Heist, Friendship stories, Mega Virus.
Really helping me to cut my daily playing time and allowing me to spend time and money on other things.

Great job everyone :slight_smile:


We understand it’s not a fun situation. Our designers are reviewing the feedback we gathered from the Arena Challenger post to try and find a way to solve this, but it’s going to take some time. The proposed change we had a couple months ago to only use the Quick Win Bonus was an effort to thwart the 1-Hero defense, but we had so much negative feedback from that we didn’t implement it.

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Well,thx samm

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Because it was a really terrible idea. Then everyone would be using Silver + 4 tanks.

The scoring system could need a general remake, but I think heist needs to be looked after very first, it’s completely dead game mode, nobody plays it and seems like devs don’t care about heist either.

R4 enemies is a joke.


How about you ask the people that actually play the game to help come up with a solution?

We are here, we are willing to help.
But again and again our comments are ignored, until it is too late.

Time… is unfortunately running out…


While I understand it is hard for you guys to come up with a perfect solution, pls think on player’s point of view

It is soooo boring to have the same essential rule for the next 4 week. I know that not all rules are the same because it would be even more of a disaster than it already is

I skipped 2 out 4 week this challenge season and I plan to do the same. Because Arena and Coli are that much boring

We had 2 no-normal damages months and 2 no-fantastic damage months and now 2 attack-heroes-cant-be-in-defense months. What will be next? Because you guys can’t keep doing this forever

Can the solution come next month? Nobody knows. People can wait patiently if we know things are coming… But at this rate, I don’t get that hopeful


People need a heist fight counter. It is soooo easy yet hasn’t gotten implemented or addressed at all, so I’m not that hopeful about heist update

I just hope they will update Team Trial. That feature is almost useless now. They either give me too many bits of one I dont use or give me too few of ones I need :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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We’ve gotten a lot of bugs in the game at this point including more issues with regeneration SFX. Have you updated the roadmap yet?

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We can help if you need it samm,just ask us

Luckily they won’t have to :slight_smile:
Tick tock tick tock


Well, when we know the date of the last merge… then it will be an ultra tick tock tick tock.
And we all know it’s not an if :smirk:


Can we just discuss how insanely ubsurd the cost of badges in the shops are?
Like how is this allowed to happen?


For one badge??


That’s “nothing”.



Okay you win

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