5.0 Known Issues

I have seen a Y28 badge costing 1.79M tokens so :grimacing:

The balancing is really bad thereā€¦


ā€¦ everywhereā€¦?


True, but most resources other than stamina you could get elsewhere. And if badge tokens are meant to buy 1/6th of a current badgeā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ fair enough.


@Samm can the team urgently consider this please?
We suggested it for the previous season already because it is NOT working!!!

It is seriously making lower power players even more negative.

Again, if your aim is for people to quit playing. Just confirm it here and we will spread the word :slight_smile: always happy to help


For some reason, when my Sally deals damage, her HP gauge on top of her indicates a decrease in HPā€¦and then 2 seconds later, her HP gauge in her profile. Does it happen in other ā€œsecond chanceā€ Heroes (Hades, Judy Hopps, Fozzie Bear, etc.)?

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I think everyone notices this already but I still put it here

After the stamina bought increase, it doesnā€™t make sense to buy stamina packs from Mega Market anymore

For 50 diamonds, we get more than 6000 stamina, which equals 100 packs. Mean while, in Mega Market, we buy 50-60 packs for 200+ diamond. It doesnā€™t take a genius to see whatā€™s wrong with this

So @samm can you guy look at the quantity and price of stamina packs in Mega Market pls? Thanks


Scaling everywhere is just 4 years behindā€¦


5.ā€¦ and half (almost)


This isnā€™t a new ā€˜bugā€™, but an annoying one nonethelessā€¦

Sometimes, a Quick Fight can produce a defeat that is definitely not realistic.

This is especially noticeable in Friend Campaign. I always Quick Fight when possible, and Iā€™ll sometimes run into a defeat - which, upon then battling in full, my heroes absolutely demolish the opponents in a matter of seconds taking very little damage themselves, and of course get a victory.

Something is clearly wrong with the Quick Fight calculations. :man_shrugging:


Please send in a support ticket with a specific example of where you experienced this issue. Thanks in advance!


Is there anyone else experiencing this:

Since yesterday, every time I start a fight (normal or quick fight doesnā€™t seem to matter), the game crashes and shuts down.

Is this my phone or do other people also have this?


It might be your phone,mine doesnā€™t crash

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I apologise, I donā€™t understand if your question is for me. I completed all the collections published, as stated above. :blush:


This is Chipļ¼†Dale from the heist.
I think the size is too small.

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If the fight is over before they have a chance to complete their entrance attack, they stay in their small size. Itā€™s a minor visual bug, something I think isnā€™t worth the effort to correct.


I see! thank you.


Even with old scaling stamina wasnā€™t worth buying.

And considering you can even get 500k premium stamina for $20ā€¦
13k diamonds is $10. So realistically 250 diamonds should get you 500k/104 = ~4.8k stamina consumables.
Yet Mega Mart offers around 50, which is almost 100x less. :man_shrugging:

Meanwhile you mentioned Get More Stamina, which with bonus gives you 13k+ (if not mistaken around 225 consumables worth of) stamina for 50 diamonds.
Thus theoretically 1125 consumables for 250 diamonds. STILL 4.3x less than it should be but closer to the reality nonethelessā€¦


Actually scratch above a bit.

With bonus: 6,926 x 1.8 = 12,467. So 208 stamina consumables.
5 times that is 1,040.

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