5.0 Known Issues

Can the team also look into a stat squish? The numbers are getting ridiculously high. Like /1000 or even more. You can change the power curve of lower ranks so we don’t have 1s, nobody cares about them that much.


When she’s maxed out?

I just said that. @Samm, he really needs a prioritized hot fix.

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Is there something wrong with the calculation of score in Arena?

I have around 800M power more than my opponent, yet my bonus is only 400 point? Weird…

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Only with the enemy version.


It happens with all Quasimodos, enemy or ally


Is is correct that Louis appears for Tiana’s Green skill animation and not her Blue skill animation…?


It’s the victory animation @Bluebandit93 He also shows up in purple skill


Only Green and Red skill and the other sides (Battle Badge; Patch)

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Yeah meant red… oops :sweat_smile:


Also, Her (and Louis’) victory animation has 2 different sounds. :woman_shrugging: I do not understand pretty much.

  • Sound 1: When you check it normally, You will hear the soft, quiet piano sound.

  • Sound 2: When the other sound is about to end and you check it, you will hear the trumpet from Louis.

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So, Tiana is in game now. When will her giveaway event begin? Certainly not now @samm

Why it sounds so depressing, like if someone died. :joy:

(I mean yeah, enemies died, but that’s the point)


okay but that still doesn’t make sense why he is in the Green skill and not on the Blue skill - as Blue skill is literally when she calls for him

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It displays victory animation, not green skill animation.

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@Samm Still no Tiana (?)


So no Tiana today ? @Samm

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I will bring this up today. This is a tricky one, though.


It has been there for months now…?

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And you are surprised? Really?

Timon’s red skill has been bugged since release and they haven’t even once addressed it :joy: so, at this point, I assume some bugs will be left as they are in game…cause the Dev can’t or just don’t want to fix them

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