5.0 Known Issues

They go silent again…maybe there is some bug?

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It looks like this may be a new version of an old issue. I’ll forward it to the Dev and QA Teams.


Does this happen every time and only with the enemy version of Quasimodo?


A bit curious to why there are such a big difference in the Stat Refresh, like if comparing Felix/Ralph and Minnie/Rapunzel.

I guess it can happen, but still got to say I am curious on the reason for such a big difference.

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Any Quasimodo has a weird entrance. In all modes.

She has skill issue, her blue and purple doesn’t buff allies. Numbers change won’t do a thing.


Ah, so Rapunzel is bugged I take it.

Good to know for later if so.

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No, it works as it should, but ideally, it should buff allies as she is support not only herself. Her only buff is green skill.


Ah, I see what you mean I think.

Self-Support and not Team-Support being the issue.


@samm pls change Calhoun’s 2nd Talent. It is worthless and makes her weaker


Tomorrow, same as Tiana. I am sorry, I did drop the ball on that messaging :see_no_evil:


More waiting for Tiana to appear? :crying_cat_face:


She’s coming soon dude


What time tomorrow, if you don’t mind?


some people haven’t had their Statler and Waldorf friendship disk fixed, and when support are presented with the issue, their response is ‘show us a video’.

  1. how can you show a video of that?
  2. a screenshot showing that the campaign is complete and there are enough disk bits to finish the disk but the disk is only stuck at two stars is more that sufficient to show the problem.

is there anything else that can be done to fix it?


I tried going against her, and she is now OP with her basic attacks now that she’s refreshed. That’s good news other than disabling.

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She’ll come tomorrow as a giveaway, but what happened to today’s anniversary giveaway?

I just found that the support button is still not working, and a few entrance animations were not working, and that along with Flash’s animation needs to be fixed. The entrance animations I found were Quasimodo(as he appears off screen before the battle begins), and Powerline(he becomes targetable before entering in “Electrifying Entrance”). Even “Cartwheel Chaos” isn’t ending at the starting point, and ends off screen. These animations need a hot fix + server maintenance.

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What happened to the $20 deals giving 400-600k stamina batteries @Samm… It’s gone down now to 80-200k for $20


While I’m not really surprised, I AM annoyed.
Stop SAYING Joy’s red has been fixed when it HASN’T.


It’s still in bug tracking. Cleansing was part of it, but hopefully it’ll be fixed. Rather than being pinned, it should be prioritized.

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What I found is the enemy version. It doesn’t occur on allies.

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