5.1 Known Issues

If you run into any issues after the update, you can discuss them here. Please send in a support ticket, too!


I just said that. Except that Meilin’s untargetable skills are ending at the wrong position. Can you put that on the roadmap @Samm? Is this how you expand on that theory @Marshy16?

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Please increase her evasion, it completely doesn’t work. This is an issue, a stat not working.


It’s still at about 3750, so how is that an issue?

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Not an issue per se @Samm, but since the invasion gets the tier buffs (especially mod upgrades), would it be too hard to multiply the amount of mod upgrades gotten in Challenger Arena/Coli by the same number? (or even higher, it´s waay too low)



Do you see the comma?

It is 376, and max level is 375.


I see, but 376,5 is not a number. How much would you want them to increase her evasion by?

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Well, Shan yu got 1200 in her purple skill, that is a good number for tenacity.

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And I don’t think it’s fair that Joy and Goofy didn’t have a buff on their evasion and tenacity stats respectively.


According to the rage levels of the Mega Virus, the maximum amount of Tenacity is 100 which makes him immune to disables, and 1200 from Shan Yu is way too much for him, like 12 times above the maximum amount.

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It’s not much, many of the new heroes have 500 to 1000 in those thanks to memory disks, skills or badges


Please stop spreading misinformation.

Enemies remove the very core of Happiness and Dread, resulting in situations where Fear and Joy can’t build these back at all (and they die).

I feel like it’s Abu’s stealing.

Passives shouldn’t be able to get stolen, and Joy even prevents that with her red skill, so that still doesn’t work…


Still few, compare to a disc with over 1000 Tenacity lose.

The Man


On the right track. I could have @Samm post that on the roadmap so that passive stacks cannot be removed once the issue is fixed. I’d think that the stacks should be reduced to zero instead of removing the core.

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Honestly very disappointed with the addition of mod levels
As it is, we do not get enough to assist with the 206!!! heroes in the game.
Now, we need another 2 levels, and as usual the “not in the interest of players” decision was made that to add skill level 6, mods needed to be at +14. So double slap in the face
And guess what? There is now a deal!!
Such a money grab, and very appalled with how this is handled.


at +11… tbh this is just “whale upgrades again” kind of decision to a degree

besides asking to add them… win-win


Yes, i know is few, but is more than Joy.


between these additional mod tiers, patch levels (anything beyond 8 is pretty unattainable without spending atm), and the proposed secondary stats reset for Toxic heroes (and the wild ramping up of the power creep recently), the immediate future is looking very uncompetitive for mid-low-no spenders :frowning:


I just wish the dev team would realise this now…
instead of waiting another 6 months and then go “Oh, there is an issue let’s spend another 6 months trying to fix it”
but based on the last 5 years… I doubt it

I actually wish there was a way to turn off deals, as it is just irritating that the icon sits there and I have to click through each of them, no intention to spend anymore.


A toggle at the top of the events screen to ‘mark all as read’ would become one of the most used buttons in the game :pray:

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